Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes

Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes 3.2.25 Nulled

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all previous verstions didn't work, WP asked me to install this agian every time...
thanks to dear member @chavez updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added ability to upload .tiff format files into the File upload field.
- Enhancement: Minor visual edits were made to the Conditions.
- Fix: Removed extra spaces next to values in Total and Summary.
- Fix: Order is not translated in the Email template and on the Orders page for admin and user.
- Fix: Hidden Quantity element appears in Orders, PDF and email.
- Fix: Elements are incorrectly displayed in 1280px-1660px resolutions on the Email Template, Captcha, and Woo Checkout...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added counting of added Repeater to the right of the label in Total.
- Enhancement: Added an option to show the Confirmation page.
- Fix: Instead of the selected formula in Payments, the formula with the highest ID is added to the cart.
- Fix: After the Show/Hide condition is met, items inside the Group field are no longer required to be filled.
- Fix: Stripe is not sending emails after payment.
- Fix: Scripts from the Confirmation page are shown on the page load.
- Fix...

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added the ability to open the map If in Conditions select Geolocation via the "Select and disable" option.
- Enhancement: Added a separate button to reset the location when it is opened on the map.
- Enhancement: Selected locations in Geolocation are displayed when paying via Soptast form 7.
- Enhancement: The price for each km/mile is displayed in the Summary.
- Fix: After adding the first location with the "Ask to choose one among multiple locations" option, the address is...

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added settings to change marker for selected addresses and pickup points in the Geolocation element.
- Fix: In Contact form 7 the display of elements in Repeater is not adapted.
- Fix: When paying without an Order form, the split for Repeater is not displayed in the Email.
- Fix: Default value was not applied to all items within a Group field when it was made hidden by default and displayed via Conditions.
- Fix: No data from Webhook when using the Send Quote or Payment...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added the ability to filter orders by date.
- Enhancement: Now you can export orders in CSV and XLS.
- Enhancement: Added the ability to search for orders by calculator name, ID and email.
- Enhancement: Added text transfer in the label of item option and description.
- Enhancement: It is possible to select dates if they are from the previous and next month.
- Enhancement: Added a setting to make the calendar close automatically after selecting dates.
- Fix: The geolocation...

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added a setting to show calculations after the visitor has entered all form contact details in the Order form.
- Fix: The Submit button in Preview & Appearance does not change when changed via Global settings.
- Fix: When paying with Cash payment an alert comes out that the price must be greater than 0 if there are no calculations.
- Fix: Words in Conditions are cut off.
- Fix: Payment with Stripe, Razorpay, Cash payment, PayPal does not pass if there are special characters in...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added a setting in Date Picker to prevent a site visitor from selecting several different dates or periods.
- Enhancement: Warnings show up when a user does not fill in the fields in Order form settings.
- Enhancement: Made integration of WooCommerce Meta with elements inside Repeater.
- Enhancement: Updated the view for customizing formula selection in Payment Gateways.
- Enhancement: Email and Website URLs are now displayed as links for Orders, WooCommerce, PDF and Send...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: In Orders, all Formula elements are displayed regardless of selection in Payment Gateways and individual Formula elements with counts are highlighted.
- Enhancement: Formula elements are displayed on WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages.
- Enhancement: In Email, all Formula elements are displayed regardless of their selection in Payment Gateways and separate Formula with counting are highlighted.
- Fix: Invalid data in one Repeater affects validation in a new Repeater in all...

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