Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes

Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes 3.2.25 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added a notice that appears when the "Actions after Submit" and "Click Action" settings are set to "Stay on Page" and "WooCheckout action after submit/WooCheckout action on WooProduct Page" respectively.
- Enhancement: Made "Upload from URL" optional in the File Upload element.
- Enhancement: Added missing translations for German, Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese to Pro plugin.
- Fix: Fixed small text sizes in buttons on screens smaller than 1300px on the Conditions...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added support for the .tif format in File Upload.
- Fix: Corrected Order ID not displaying in the Email Template Preview.
- Fix: Fixed a bug allowing conditions to be saved without selecting a second date for the Ranged Date Picker.
- Fix: Resolved a problem where dropdown options were not displayed at the end of page breaks.

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Added a new setting 'Collapse Group by Default' in Group Field.
- Fix: Corrected accent color setting not affecting the “+” icon in the Repeater button.
- Fix: Fixed misalignment of the Summary block in Page Breaker on product pages when “Show summary block on the last page of multi-step calculator” and “Show total summary on the page” settings are enabled.
- Fix: Fixed Sticky Calculator displaying on all product pages instead of only selected products.
- Fix: Resolved an...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Fix: Fixed the calculator with Page Breaker not showing when “Show summary block on the last page of multi-step calculator” setting and click action “Pop up Order Form or Payments” were enabled.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where “Show Summary with calculations after adding contact info” in the Order Form could be enabled with “Show total summary on the page” in Page Breaker being active.
- Fix: Corrected the Basic Slider not working or updating in Page Breaker when the “Show summary block on...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Fix: Resolved an issue with the Sticky Calculator not displaying correctly with the Avada theme.
- Fix: Fixed the issue where the “any” value in conditions and conditions from one formula to another were not working.
- Fix: Resolved a problem where the Sticky Calculator opened and closed with visual bugs when the PDF Entries setting was turned off.
- Fix: Corrected the order total display in the PDF for multiselect elements.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where, with the “Zero Values in Orders, PDF...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Enhancement: Element options can now be disabled based on conditions.
- Enhancement: Sticky Total: Now inherits the "Number of Decimals" from the selected total element if only one is chosen in Sticky settings. If multiple total elements are selected, it inherits the value from Settings → Currency → Number of Decimals
- Fix: Fixed the issue where the dropdown list was not visible in geolocation elements when the sticky calculator was enabled.
- Fix: Fixed the issue where the sticky...

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