Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native

Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native 2.2.3

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

24. November 2023

Terminal: Updated the shortcut for windows users​

As Windows user, you can now open the terminal using the following shortcut: CTRL + ´(like in Visual Studio Code)


Terminal: "Create New Shortcut" not working​

Fixed a bug caused the new feature of creating custom shortcuts not to work properly for Windows Users.

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

15. December 2023

Lenis Scroll Smoother: Automatic Scroll to anchor links​

Added automatic scrolling to anchor links when using Lenis as Scroll Smoothing provider.


Pro Forms: Added an easy way to improve security when creating, updating and deleting posts.​

The new controls "Allow only for post authors" and "Allow only if logged in" have been added in this version. With this two checkboxes, you can add a security layer with one click...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

22. December 2023

Pro Forms: New Variable Panel​

The new Variable Panel for Pro Forms is helping you to pass the correct form field variables to your form actions. Each input field which supports it will get a new icon. After clicking that icon, the panel will open.


Pro Forms: Added new action "Page Reload"​

A new action "Page Reload" has been added. This action will reload the page after successfully submitting the form...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

9. January 2024

New Extension: Admin Pages
This extension allows you to create admin pages using Bricks Templates. Admin Pages are custom menu items that can be added to the WordPress admin menu. They can be used to create custom dashboards, settings pages, or any other type of admin page.
Bricksforge Panel: 3D Model Animations
Now, you can animate 3D Models with GSAP using the Bricksforge Panel.

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

12. January 2024

Form Submissions: Date is now using locale date format​

In the Form Submissions List, the date will now be formatted based on the site local.


Pro Forms: Custom Action – Custom Success Message not showing​

Fixed an issue caused custom success messages set by the set_result() method not to show when using the custom action.


Pro Forms: ACF and Metabox not saving images correctly in some...​

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

25. January 2024

Pro Forms: Step Animations​

With this version, you can add simple animations when navigating trough form steps.


Pro Forms: "Required Count" for Checkbox Wrapper​

This new control has been added for the Checkbox Wrapper. It makes it possible to define a required number of selected checkboxes.


Pro Forms: Dynamic Data support for Validation Rules​

The Validation Rules area now supports...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

2. February 2024

Bricksforge Panel: Bricks Dynamic Data Support​

The entire Bricksforge Panel now supports Bricks Dynamic Data. Use the following syntax: {dynamic:your_tag}, for example: {dynamic:post_id}


Email Designer: New Filter bricksforge/email_designer/allowed_vars​

With this new filter, you can add your custom Twig Variables.


Pro Forms: New control "Jump to Top"​

When activated, the form will...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

4. February 2024

Pro Forms: Added Required Asterisk Typography Control
Added a new control to style the required asterisk typography.
Pro Forms Panel empty
Fixed a bug caused the Pro Forms Panel to be empty in some situations.
Bricksforge Panel: Animation UI disappears
Fixed a bug caused the Animation UI for single animation selectors to disappear in some situations
Fixed different bugs
Some bugs that were fixed in 2.1.4 have reappeared in 2.1.5 due to a compilation error. This has been fixed.

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

20. March 2024

[BETA] Pro Forms: Repeater Fields​

You can now add repeatable fields with Pro Forms using the new "Repeater" Nestable element. In the first step, this function will be integrated as a beta until we have received enough feedback.


New Element: Tour Guide​

With this new element, you can create interactive tours for your visitors!


Pro Forms: Masked Inputs​

With this new feature you can...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

9. April 2024

[Terminal] New Syntax to define settings for elements.
With the new syntax > element{key: value} you can add every possible setting stored in the Bricks "settings" object to an element.
[Pro Forms] Repeater Fields out of beta
Repeater Fields are now stable to use in live environments.
[Pro Forms] New Element: Signature
With this new element you can add flexible signature possibilities to your form.
[Pro Forms] New Element: Download Info
This element can be used to show an Info...

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thanks to dear member @anne51 updated Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native with a new update entry:

5. June 2024

[Scroll Smoother] Added automatic anchor scrolling for Lenis
For anchor links, Lenis will now automatically scroll to the related section.
[Pro Forms] "Inputmode" added for "Tel" field
[Backend Designer] New controls "Admin Bar Hover Background" and "Admin Bar Hover Text Color" added
[Pro Forms] The value in the calculation may exceed two decimal places in certain situations
[Pro Forms] Modern Select not scrollable when using Lenis
[Pro Forms] Date Picker ugly in Mobile...

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