Articles Anywhere Pro

Articles Anywhere Pro 16.2.1

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Articles Anywhere 16.9.0 PRO​

Save hours: Search and replace in your database.​

Sometimes you need to replace something in all your articles (or other content). This would take you hours doing it the conventional way, manually opening and changing each article.

With DB Replacer, the process takes just a few seconds.
  1. Select a database table and the desired table column(s).
  2. Input the search and replace text.
  3. Click on ‘Replace’.
  4. Done!



  • Fixes issue with editor button popup not working on new Chrome due to use of DOMSubtreeModified

thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Articles Anywhere Pro with a new update entry:




  • PRO Adds support for missing [image-count] Data Tag


  • Fixes issue with editor button on frontend not showing insert button
  • Fixes issue with outputting emojis in texts
  • PRO Fixes issue with php errors when filtering by parent-category
  • PRO Fixes issue with tags="*" filter only returning articles with tags instead of ignoring the filter



Read the rest of this update entry...