Articles Anywhere Pro

Articles Anywhere Pro 16.2.1

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Articles Anywhere Pro with a new update entry:


+ [J4] Adds ability to use an {articles-else} tag for outputting content when no articles are found

# [J4] Fixes issue with editor button not working on the frontend (in some cases)
# [J4] Fixes issue with formatting issues in frontend editor button popup on some templates

# [PRO] Fixes issue with Download Key check not working on some setups
# [J4][FREE] Fixes issue with PHP warnings about undefined resize_... variables

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Articles Anywhere Pro with a new update entry:


# [PRO] Fixes issues with image paths on servers running on Windows

# [J4] Fixes issues with html entities not being converted correctly when 'fixing' the html

# [J4] Fixes issue with PHP errors/warnings on PHP 8.2
# [J4] Fixes issues with classes not being defined after upgrading from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 on some setups

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Articles Anywhere Pro with a new update entry:


^ Updates translations: tr-TR
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with media fields not outputting the correct data when not using the layout (output value/text)

# [PRO] Fixes issue with php error when trying to show images that don't exist from a different database

+ [J4][PRO] Adds ability to download external images
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with domain of external database data not getting prepended to urls without a domain
# [J4][PRO] Fixes issue with filtering by...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Articles Anywhere Pro with a new update entry:


25-Sep-2023 : v15.0.1
# Fixes issue with article tags not getting handled properly in search results
# Fixes issue with error about mb_strpos
# Fixes issue with nested data tags being handled twice in some cases

21-Sep-2023 : v15.0.0
+ [J4][J5] Adds ability to escape string based data tags (add slashes to quotes)
! [J3] Removes Joomla 3 support
^ [J4][J5] Updates code to PHP 8.1 standards
# [J4][J5] Fixes issue with [total] not returning correct value in some cases
# [J4][J5][PRO]...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Articles Anywhere Pro with a new update entry:


+ Also triggers replacement on onAfterRenderModule event to prevent "WebAssetManager is locked" in some cases
^ [PRO] Changes ordering of items, by making sure numeric strings are ordered before alpha strings
# [PRO] Fixes issue with comparison filters on calendar fields with no time not working correctly
# [PRO] Fixes issue with comparison filters on custom fields not working
# [PRO] Fixes issue with empty date filters on calendar fields not working

^ Changes layout...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Articles Anywhere Pro with a new update entry:


# Fixes issue with not all Intervention classes being scoped correctly

# Fixes issue with RegularLabs\Scoped being output in some cases
# Scopes external composer libraries to prevent conflicts

# [PRO] Fixes issue with filters on fields not working on external data

# Fixes issue with negative filters not working in some cases
# Fixes issue with php error about null given to getOperator
# Fixes issue with unexpected results in finder (Samer Searc)...

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Articles Anywhere Pro with a new update entry:


# Fixes issue with 404 errors on some pages that use pagination

^ Updates some deprecated code
# Fixes issue with empty article tag not outputting article when using different data tag syntax characters
# Fixes issue with php errors about Gd libray
# Fixes issue with whitespace around custom field values in some cases
# [PRO] Fixes issue with resize attributes not working on image tags
# [PRO] Fixes issue with timezone offsets on calendar fields not working correctly

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thanks to dear member @sarisan updated Articles Anywhere Pro with a new update entry:


# Fixes issue with editor button popup not working on new Chrome due to use of DOMSubtreeModified

^ Updates translations: sv-SE
# Fixes issue php error when uploading media
# Fixes issue with php error about DB:is() in some cases
# [PRO] Fixes issue with empty datetime custom fields being interpreted as current date/time
# [PRO] Fixes issue with images not displaying as target size when resizing to a larger image

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