WP Menu Cart Pro

WP Menu Cart Pro 4.0.1 Nulled

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Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessWP Menu Cart Pro 4.0.1 Nulled version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is rar Extention type and 490.6 KB File size. From WP Menu Cart Pro have 1 Description Attachments, 2 discussion, 2 Updates, 329 Views.
Menu Cart Pro is the most popular e-Commerce menu plugin with over 1 million downloads of the free version on WordPress.org. It is fully compatible with WooCommerce, Eshop, WP e-Commerce, Easy Digital Downloads and Jigoshop. This enhanced version of the plugin takes it up a notch, giving you access to a variety of different cart icons, a super cool cart flyout and a variety of other awesome features.

This plugin includes all the great standard features found in the free version plus:

  • A choice of over 10 cart icons
  • A fully featured cart details flyout
  • Ability to add cart + flyout to an unlimited amount of menus
  • Ability to add a custom css class
  • Automatic updates on any great new features
  • WordPress Multilingual integration
  • Works with WooCommerce, Eshop, WP e-Commerce, Easy Digital Downloads and Jigoshop
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490.6 KB
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Latest updates

  1. 4.0.1 Nulled - 2023-08-23
    * New: added compatibility with WooCommerce Cart Block * Fix: add space between buttons on media...
  2. v3.9.0 Nulled - 2022-12-06
    * Tweak: removes legacy WC versions compatibility classes. Bumps WC minimum version to 3.0 *...

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