Seraphinite Accelerator - Accelerator for WordPress

Seraphinite Accelerator - Accelerator for WordPress 2.21.13

No permission to download
  • Activation can be dropped when multi-language plugins are used.
  • Localization of the product is broken on some sites.
no change log for this version in link
no change log for this version

Animation of Betheme theme.
Animation of TRX Addons for Elementor.
Lazy HTML: Storing as attributes.
Option for set 'Content-Length' HTTP response.
Sticky elements of Elementor.
Stretched elements for Elementor.
Support for Slider Revolution.
Tabs of Login/Signup Popup.
Use internal requests for asynchronous tasks execution: adaptation to 'private_html'.

GEO IP can be detected incorrectly on some sites
Localization is not loaded under WP 6.5 and higher.

Downgrade disabled from full version to extended to prevent it in not fully working sites.
Dropping of Endurance Page Cache.
Support for animations of Elementor.


Non ASCII symbols are not saved in settings.
Undefined key 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' warning on some hostings.
jQuery AJAX returns error on some sites.

  • Sticky elements from Divi.
  • Stretched elements for Elementor.
  • Support for Slider Revolution.
  • Woo Product Images Widget of Elementor.

  • Generated assets can have wrong URLs under WPML for non default languages.
  • Warning about failed renaming AI file.

Adaptation to screen sizes: avoiding already processed images.
Mobile header of The7 theme.
Support for Slider Revolution.


Cache cleanup old may remove some data from the current cache update.
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Reactions: eduardoski
  • Caching external images: critical attribute.
  • Lazy loading of Elementor's background videos.

  • If there is commented 'script' tag in other 'script' it is split.
  • Possible collisions while optimizing same image from different pages.
  • Temporary images in styles can be cleared after cleanup if page used previous data from self-learning.
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Reactions: eduardoski

  • Header of Elementor.
  • Support for Slider Revolution.

  • HTML entities without ending semicolon are skipped.
  • Removing ampersands from 'v-for', 'v-if', 'v-else-if' attributes of 'template' tag.
  • Styles that contains HTML tags are inlined as is that leads to break main HTML.
  • The7 theme: PHP error: Unsupported operand types: string %.
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Reactions: eduardoski