WooCommerce Custom Product Addons, Custom Product Options

WooCommerce Custom Product Addons, Custom Product Options 5.1.0

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessWooCommerce Custom Product Addons, Custom Product Options 5.1.0 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is rar Extention type and 1.5 MB File size. From WooCommerce Custom Product Addons, Custom Product Options have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 1 Updates, 185 Views.


Provide Unlimited Product Options with WooCommerce Custom Product Addons!

WooCommerce product addons plugin lets you add unlimited extra product options by using a variety of field types like text area, text field, upload file, drop-down, check-boxes, multiple select, etc. It streamlines product customization for the end users.

In addition to product-specific options, you can create global options that can easily be attached to products & categories where applicable. This saves you time to create common options once and apply to relevant products. You can create individual options or multiple sets of WooCommerce custom product options and assign them to different products and categories.

Imagine the ability to assign product fields to thousands of products in just 5 minutes. The Pizza category can have its own set of options, the drinks category can have its options, All or each specific shirt type can have its custom options, etc.

New Features of WooCommerce Custom Product Addons

  • Sell any catalog item as product addon
  • Charge addons dynamically or in a product’s fixed cost
  • Hide or Display addon fields in cart and checkout pages
  • Hide or Display fields in order details page
  • Additional Fields: number, heading, color selection, font style
Extention type
File size
1.5 MB
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. 5.1.0 - changelog
    * Bug Fixes * Changed css vars to smaller case * WC 8.6 support * WP 6.4 Support

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