
ochOpenGraph 1.8.5

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Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessochOpenGraph 1.8.5 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 54.7 KB File size. From ochOpenGraph have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 165 Views.
With ochOpenGraph Joomla Extension you can control how your content looks on Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linked, etc. are ideal showcases for your content.
But how do they determine what text and images to show when somebody shares your content?
Time to take control again over how your content looks on Social Media Platforms.

Facebook introduced the Open Graph Protocol. With this protocol meta-tags are added in your blog / article source code. These meta-tags tell Facebook what the article is about, which image to use, which url, who is the author, etc. This information is then used to display your article on the Facebook platform.
Linkedin, Google+ have adopted this protocol as well. Twitter introduced its own 'protocol': TwitterCards.

This content plugin helps you make the most of your content on these Social Media platforms by automatically implementing the OpenGraph protocol and TwitterCards into your Joomla! articles, JCal Pro (event) pages, K2 Items, Easyblog Entry pages, FocalPoint Location maps, ochGotNews items and YooTheme Zoo blogs / pages, jDownloads and Econa Custom Image Fields!
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54.7 KB
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