zestardshop Duplicate Categories copy categories (M2)

zestardshop Duplicate Categories copy categories (M2) v1.0.2

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Magento2 Compatibility
  1. 2.0.x
  2. 2.1.x
  3. 2.2.x
  4. 2.3.x
  5. 2.4.x
Short Description
Download and Discuss Premium, Businesszestardshop Duplicate Categories copy categories (M2) v1.0.2 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 15.8 KB File size. From zestardshop Duplicate Categories copy categories (M2) have 3 Description Attachments, 320 Views.
Zestard’s Duplicate Categories for Magento 2, simplifies category management by copying the category structures from one parent category to another. A must-have extension for any store with many categories to make the work easy by just a click using this extension.
Zestard’s Duplicate Categories for Magento 2, simplifies category management by copying the category structures from one parent category to another. A must-have extension for any store with many categories to make the work easy by just a click using this extension.

Store Owner can copy the whole category's structure for a new website and save the time that requires in duplicating the category. With Duplicate Category extension Store Owner can also copy Product relationships for a newly created category in just a few clicks.

For Eg: A Merchant is having a store and wants to have the same category with subcategories and products structure per website or store. Our Extension allows you to easily copy a category along with its subcategories & product relation to another store without entering the entire information manually.
  • ecommerce_duplicate_categories__m2__application_2.webp
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  • ecommerce_duplicate_categories__m2__application_3.webp
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  • ecommerce_duplicate_categories__m2__application_4.webp
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Extention type
File size
15.8 KB
First release
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