Zephyr | Material Design Theme

Zephyr | Material Design Theme 8.26 Nulled

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Author anne
Creation date
  • ADDED ability to set the "Gap between Items" for different screen widths, available for Grid, Post List, Product List, Term List, and User List elements
  • IMPROVED Post Listelement:
    • added ability to show posts from ACF Relationship and Post Object custom fields
    • added ability to order posts by views, if the Post Views Counter plugin is active
    • added ability to show posts with (or without) any terms of the selected taxonomy
    • added ability to show posts of the current query with custom taxonomy conditions
    • now the list item corresponding to the current page has the class "current_page_item", this allow to create custom menus via the Post List element
  • IMPROVED Sidebar with Widgets(Widgetised Area) element:
    • it can now be edited using the Live builder
    • now it works even the WPBakery builder is not installed
  • IMPROVED Setup Wizard– now pre-built websites installation:
    • correctly overrides the Shop, Cart, Checkout, and My Account pages when installing all content with WooCommerce
    • includes sidebars with widgets
  • IMPROVED text dynamic values – added ability to show the current user data via the {{user|first_name}} shortcode. Learn more
  • IMPROVED WPML and Polylang support – added ability to translate the Message and Button Label fields from Theme Options > General > Cookie Notice
  • IMPROVED Popup element – added option to set amount of days for the next show, if the "Show to visitor only once" is enabled
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • UPDATED languages files
  • FIXED issue when the "Auto Optimize" doesn't include needed assets if a Post List used without a Grid element
  • FIXED bug when the Video Player with an overlay image would not play the video from a file on iPhones
  • FIXED bug when the "Animations Disable Width" option doesn't affect on new scrolling effects
  • FIXED bug when the Enter key would not work for the coupon form on the custom checkout page
  • FIXED work of the "Show this section open" option with enabled Display Logic in Tabs sections
  • FIXED bug when Theme Options > Custom Code fields become wider due to long text strings
  • FIXED case when a Page Template used for Archives can't be edited with the Live builder
  • FIXED support for WPBakery builder version 7.7+
  • FIXED some minor issues
FIXED possible PHP error after updating Zephyr to 8.24 and 8.24.1 from versions older than 8.22
no change log for this version in link
  • ADDED new Color Swatch option for Product Attributes – now you can show color swatches in the Grid Filter and Post Taxonomy elements to improve visitors experience. Example 1, example 2
  • ADDED new Custom Global Colors – allows you to add unlimited color values which can be used in all theme elements and settings (and in your custom CSS code as well)
  • IMPROVED Color Pickers(in all theme elements):
    • now you can select values from built-in Additional Settings color fields
    • now you can select values from ACF Color Picker fields
    • you can select new Custom Global Colors as well
    • optimized interface of selecting scheme colors for better UX
  • IMPROVED Scrolling Effectssettings:
    • added Scale effect
    • added option to start the animation from the initial position of any element, which is actual for elements above the fold. Example 1, example 2
    • enabled settings for more theme elements
  • IMPROVED Display Logic:
    • added the ability to compare values with custom fields of the current user
    • added operators "≥" and "≤" for numeric comparisons
  • IMPROVED Video Background in the Row element – now the "Hide video at screen width" option will remove the player HTML on smaller screen sizes, which improves performance on mobile devices
  • IMPROVED Portfolio module – added the "Ignore the prefix of the post permalink structure" option (refers to the 'with_front' => FALSE, check the relevant case)
  • IMPROVED Grid/Listing element – now it's possible to show posts from ACF Relationship fields
  • IMPROVED Product List element – added pagination options (similar to the Grid element)
  • IMPROVED Live Builder – added the ability to set/change/remove the Featured image of an edited page
  • IMPROVED Post Taxonomy element – added the "Text after value" option
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • UPDATED languages files
  • FIXED bug when the Grid Filter doesn't work with the Grid showing "Items with the same taxonomy of current post"
  • FIXED bug when the "diamond" image placeholder can't be removed after installing any prebuilt website
  • FIXED incorrect "center" alignment of elements inside a Horizontal Wrapper on small screens
  • FIXED issue when the "Disable lazy loading" option doesn't work for some images
  • FIXED work of dynamic values for the Background Image option in Grid Layouts
  • FIXED bug when Contact From settings doesn't work with dynamic values
  • FIXED bug when the Grid Filter doesn't work on the Search Results page
  • FIXED appearance of the Grid Filter mobile layout inside a Sticky Row
  • FIXED styling of shop notices for the WooCommerce version 8.6+
  • FIXED several compatibility issues with WPML
  • FIXED some minor issues
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • FIXED possible PHP errors when updating from older Zephyr versions
  • FIXED bug when FlipBoxes dissapear on hover in Safari 17+
  • FIXED issues with the Header Builder after updating to 8.21
  • FIXED "Learn More" links in Theme Options
  • FIXED compatibility issues with PHP 8.1+
  • ADDED new Gallery element – now you can easily create simple image galleries without complex Grid interface. Check the example
  • ADDED new Term List element – allows you easily create a list of terms based on Grid settings, but with more new abilities:
    • show terms of the current post (like the Post Taxonomy element)
    • show terms based on their custom fields
    • show terms except selected
    • exclude the current term
    • and many other combinations which can't be possible via the Grid element
  • IMPROVED Button element – added the ability to select a text dynamic value for the Button Label (this ability will be implemented for more elements and options in future releases)
  • IMPROVED Order Details element – added the "Actions for plugins compatibility" value used for compatibility with 3rd-party plugins
  • IMPROVED Design > Background settings – added the Background Blend Mode option allowing to create creative backgrounds
  • IMPROVED WordPress Login page – the logo uses the homepage URL instead of "wordpress.org" if a custom icon is set
  • IMPROVED timing of appearance animations – check example 1, example 2, example 3
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • UPDATED languages files
  • FIXED bug when the responsive "Horizontal Alignment" of Wrapper elements isn't working for Grid Layouts
  • FIXED incorrect page title and URL inside an email message when the Contact Form is on archive pages
  • FIXED cases when Live Builder shows incorrect columns layout which is set via the WPBakery Builder
  • FIXED bug when the Image element with a link in a header uses the unchangeable "Link" aria-label
  • FIXED bug when videos with autoplay enabled start playing after closing the popup window
  • FIXED case when WPBakery allows to add the Inner Row inside other Inner Row element
  • FIXED work of search inside the "Manually selected items" option of the Grid element
  • FIXED case when the Live Builder cannot correctly save text values with quotes
  • FIXED case when the Counter element doesn't show its "count" animation
  • FIXED incorrect preview of Google fonts in the Setup Wizard in Safari
  • FIXED image editing inside the Media library opened in Live Builder
  • FIXED several possible PHP errors with incorrect content
  • FIXED bug when Social Links can't be visible in a Footer
  • FIXED several compatibility issues with WPML
  • FIXED incorrect Grid Layout duplication
  • FIXED some minor issues
  • IMPROVED Theme Options – turned back the ability to edit Site Layout and Typography settings in the admin area. Live customization is only available when the "Live Builder" switch is enabled
  • FIXED bug when custom post types couldn't be edited via the Live Builder after the updating to 8.18.2
  • FIXED bug when an incorrect "Additional Google Fonts" value could break a website styling
  • FIXED case when typography fonts aren't available for selection after the updating to 8.18
  • FIXED PHP warnings after the updating to 8.18 in some cases
  • FIXED incorrect appearance of switch controls in WPBakery elements settings after updating to 8.17
  • FIXED bug when the Grid Filter shows extra taxonomy terms which aren't used in the filterable Grid
  • FIXED bug when the fullscreen Mobile Menu prevents element selection in the Live Builder
  • FIXED incorrect appearance of the Post Image media preview when it has any Link value
  • FIXED appearance of checkboxes and radio buttons on default Cart and Checkout pages
  • FIXED incorrect appearance of the Link "Select Dynamic Values" popup on big screens
  • FIXED work of the "Remove left and right indents" option of the Tabs element
  • IMPROVED new Link control:
    • added "Media File: Custom Link" into dynamic value selection, it's now easier to create an image gallery with custom links via the "Grid / Listing" element
    • added "Text" ACF fields into dynamic value selection
    • turned back ability to use [lang] as a part of URLs when using WPML or Polylang
    • turned back ability to use {{custom_field}} as a part of URLs
  • IMPROVED Social Links element – now it uses new Link control with all its abilities
  • FIXED issue when some ACF values were displayed incorrectly in the new Link control after update to 8.17
  • FIXED bug when the Image Slider flickers on page load