[XenBg] AdBlock Detection 1.0.0

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  1. 2.3.x
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Download and Discuss Premium, Business[XenBg] AdBlock Detection 1.0.0 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. It is zip Extention type and 10 KB File size. From [XenBg] AdBlock Detection have 18 Views.
[XenBg] AdBlock Detection is a powerful add-on for XenForo 2.3 that detects and blocks users with AdBlock enabled . If a visitor is using an adblocking extension, the add-on displays a custom message that closes the page and requires AdBlock to be disabled to continue.

🔹Main functions

Automatic AdBlock detection – blocks access to the site if ads are blocked.
Content lock – hides the entire page and prohibits scrolling until AdBlock is turned off.
Lightweight and efficient – does not slow down the site loading and works seamlessly with XenForo.
No coding – activated with a few clicks in the admin panel.

🔧How does it work

1️⃣The add-on loads an advertising script (e.g. from Google AdSense).
2️⃣If AdBlock is active, the script is not loaded.
3️⃣A message is automatically displayed that hides the entire page .
4️⃣The user must disable AdBlock to continue.

📌Why use [XenBg] AdBlock Detection?

🔸Protects your ad revenue.
🔸Forces users to disable AdBlock for your site.
🔸Easy to set up and no conflicts with other add-ons.
Extention type
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10 KB
First release
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