X | The Theme

X | The Theme 10.4.22 Nulled

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Author Mathias
Creation date
  • Bugfix: WooCommerce 9.0 was broken due to how we check if WooCommerce was installed
  • Updated: Purchase code image URL was updated
  • Updated: PHP Execution time is manually raised when uploading an image from a template, this was causing issues due to the resizing actions WordPress does when uploading a media item
  • Bugfix: Audio element did not enqueue FontAwesome webfonts when in SVG mode. In the future this will be removed from using FontAwesome webfonts or SVGs will be inserted if possible
  • Updated: More PHP 8.2 deprecation removals
  • Updated: Hide ACF pro messaging when installed through Cornerstone
  • Updated: x_share shortcode uses the new Twitter / X logo
Bugfix: Custom Attributes would not use Dynamic Content if being used on a Component that did not have Custom Attributes
  • Updated: Internal WordPress name of our layouts was always "Layouts" and not more specific like "Single Layout" and "Archive Layout"
  • Updated: Validation message changed in Admin
  • Bugfix: A round of PHP 8 deprecation removals related to undefined class properties
  • Bugfix: When importing a Site, if you had never saved in Theme Options "Enable Font Manager" would never be unchecked which is not used on certain sites like "Crafty"
  • Bugfix: X 9 to 10 upgrade would not properly unset "Enable Font Manager" changing the fonts on certain site upgrades
  • Bugfix: Anchor Subindicator nested trigger did not work on Font Awesome SVG mode
  • Feature: X header subindicator icon control in Theme Options
  • Bugfix: X headers shifting the layout due to a lack of clear both
  • Bugfix: Group parameters broken due to isVar control updates
  • Feature: Sliders have a "Starting Slide" control
  • Feature: "Edit with Cornerstone" in post editor can be hidden with option `cs_post_editor_edit_with_cornerstone` set to false
  • Updated: When a sticky bar with "Scroll Up" reaches the 0px of the screen, it will also remove the fixed class
  • Updated: Hide with Breakpoints on elements can accept Dynamic Content
  • Bugfix: When Jetpack was installed, videos using mejs would not be visible
  • Bugfix: Custom stacks would give fatal error when using the comment list element due to an undefined function
  • Bugfix: Scrolling links that used a hashtag valid on the page, but to a different path, would not redirect the page
  • Bugfix: Select boxes in the breakpoint value editor like Font Weight, would not let you use the mouse on any of the select boxes
  • Bugfix: Parameters with a group toggle and a picker would not let you click the toggle
  • Bugfix: When referencing the same parameter dynamic content as your parameter, it would create an infinite loop. In the future we will be referencing the parent values when this situation occurs, but for now it ignores the value to prevent the issue
  • Bugfix: Design Cloud button in validation home page did not take you to the templates section
  • Bugfix: If another plugin was including an older version of the TGMA library, the plugins page would have a fatal error around the bulk updater url
  • Bugfix: Lottie was displaying builder text (`Loading...`) in the frontend
  • Bugfix: Hotfix "Hide Initially" was broken due to sticky bar changes