- Feature: Custom Fields support for WP Posts Builder tables.
- Feature: Added Price Comparison Operators in WooCommerce Tables.
- Improvement: Updated Highcharts and Highstock Libraries.
- Improvement: Updated PHP Spreadsheet Library.
- BugFix: Fixed Issue with custom post id placeholder.
- BugFix: Fixed Issue with Vertical Axis Label in Highcharts.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with Elementor builder pages not rendering properly.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with Mini Cart Rendering After Adding to Cart.
- Other small bug fixes.
Feature: WooCommerce Integration
Feature: WP Posts Builder
Improvement: Implemented Error Handling Mechanism for Resolving Column Position Conflicts
Improvement: Added Option to Enable/Disable Loaders Globally for Tables and Charts
BugFix: Fixed Issue with Filtering Multiline Columns from Google Spreadsheets
BugFix: Fixed Issue with Date Display and Highcharts when Using Range Picker
BugFix: Fixed Issue with Unable to Change Series Colors in Charts
BugFix: Fixed Issue with Rendering Embedded Child Table in Parent Table
Other small bug fixes.
Feature: WooCommerce Integration
Feature: WP Posts Builder
Improvement: Implemented Error Handling Mechanism for Resolving Column Position Conflicts
Improvement: Added Option to Enable/Disable Loaders Globally for Tables and Charts
BugFix: Fixed Issue with Filtering Multiline Columns from Google Spreadsheets
BugFix: Fixed Issue with Date Display and Highcharts when Using Range Picker
BugFix: Fixed Issue with Unable to Change Series Colors in Charts
BugFix: Fixed Issue with Rendering Embedded Child Table in Parent Table
Other small bug fixes.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with table loader.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with ApexChart loader.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with saving ChartJS charts without Series Tab.
- Other small bug fixes.
Feature: Added option for disabling and enabling table loader.
Improvement: WCAG compliance adaptation for Simple table templates.
Improvement: Clear filter button has been improved to reset the search text in the table search.
BugFix: Fixed issue with Dark Mojito skin with Excel like tables.
BugFix: Fixed issue with Fixed header doesn’t work in Divi tabs.
BugFix: Fixed issue with scrolling issue for Fixed Headers in Firefox.
BugFix: Fixed issue with WCAG label for spacer button.
BugFix: Fixed issue with “Return to the Top” feature.
BugFix: Fixed issue with titles in modal .
BugFix: Fixed issue with empty value in selectbox filter after sorting and reopening the filter.
Other small bug fixes.
New update:
BugFix: Fixed issue with tabs on Elementor cloud.
BugFix: Fixed issue with Powerful filters and hide table before filtering.
BugFix: Fixed issue with incorrect data display after clearing and reapplying filters.
Other small bug fixes
New update:
- Feature: Added global search function for searching multiple tables on one page using a shortcode.
- Improvement: Implemented placeholders (loaders ) during table loading.
- Improvement: Implemented placeholders (loaders) during chart loading.
- Improvement: Changed all string names so that they’re unique for PO Edit.
- Improvement: Updated ApexCharts library.
- Improvement: Updated HighCharts library.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with sorting date columns for non-SS tables.
- BugFix: Fixed issue preventing the removal of empty values from select boxes.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with HighCharts Stock not showing the time zoom toolbar when the stable version option is turned on.
- BugFix: Fixed issue with grouping not working properly on charts with float columns.
- Other small bug fixes
New update:
BugFix: Fixed issue with errors on tables with formula columns.
BugFix: Fixed issue with datetime columns in Excel-like tables.
Other small bug fixes