WordPress Manager For WHMCS

WordPress Manager For WHMCS 2.1.1 Not Nulled

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Author roothacker
Creation date
New Feature
  • WHMCS V8.9 support
  • The "Change Domain" action will now instantly enable SSL mode if available - case #896
  • Performing specific actions on the instance will now trigger an automatic refresh of the installations list - case #901
  • Added possibility to set the "ipServerWhmcs" parameter in the "configuration.yml" file, allowing to overwrite the server IP address returned by WHMCS - case #897
  • Backup notes will no longer be displayed for WP Toolkit integration, as they are not supported by that API
  • The cache will now be automatically refreshed after activating the instance theme
  • Updated code for cPanel/WHM integration - if in use, it is highly recommended to upgrade your cPanel with the "uploadToWHM" directory and running their installation script file again after performing the module upgrade
Bug Fix
  • Corrected specific synchronization issue with Softaculous on cPanel server - case #859
  • Search for WordPress installations will no longer return all instances if the searching phrase is not found - case #900
  • Eliminated problem with an invalid "Installed Path" when adding an "Instance Image" that was already created in DirectAdmin - case #898
  • "Installations Scripts" will no longer be searched for once the WP Toolkit integration is enabled - case #903
  • Corrected various connection issues with Plesk integration - case #904
  • Fixed problem with searching for installations by their URLs on the "Extended View" - case #905
  • Solved issue with the "Call to a member function get() on array in /(...)/Traits/Fields.php:141" error that could occur when adding or editing an instance image - case #906
  • Eliminated error in the synchronization cron job that could occur after switching API integrations
  • Added validation for missing characters in the user creation fields
  • Other minor code corrections, language and UI improvements
  • WHMCS V8.6 support
  • Support for PHP 8.1 version
  • Added support for "Overwrite Directory" toggle to replace the content of already existing catalog when performing instance installation - case #789
  • Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
  • Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.2 version
  • Eliminated "WordpressManager_Commands params cannot be null" errors - case #775
  • Resolved problems with searching for plugins and themes that stopped working due to API changes - case #777
  • Corrected cron synchronization for the reseller type of products - case #790
  • Other minor code corrections
  • Like
Reactions: zobibobo