WooLentor Pro / ShopLentor Pro  - WooCommerce Elementor Addons + Builder

WooLentor Pro / ShopLentor Pro - WooCommerce Elementor Addons + Builder 2.4.4 Nulled

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  1. Added : Support to all block in Full Site editing screen.
  2. Added : Same Hight grid option in Recently view product addon.
  3. Solved : Required field validation issue with Shopify like checkout module.
  4. Solved : Default currency set issue in Multi Currency Switcher module.
  5. Solved : Hidden product display issue with Ajax search module.
  6. Solved : Category showing issue in category list widget. (Pro)
  7. Solved : Variation product quick add to cart option warning issue. (Pro)
  8. Compatibility : Latest WordPress and WooCommerce version.
Added : Multi Currency Module.
Added : Elementor Widget for Multi Currency Switcher.
Added : Exclude Out Of Stock product option in Product tab addon.
Solved : Single product template render issue with Dokan.
Solved : Partial Payment type warning issue.(Pro)
Solved : Minor Issues.
Compatibility : Latest WordPress and WooCommerce version.
  1. Solved : Header and Footer showing issue with Full site editing.
  2. Solved : Product image showing issue in single product template.
  3. Solved : Minor issue.
  4. Solved : Email template Style issue with Grid layout. (Pro)
  5. Solved : Order pay custom link content render issue. (Pro)
  6. Compatibility : Latest WordPress and WooCommerce version.
  1. Solved : Template Build issue with default template.
  2. Solved : Product title render issue in shopify like checkout page module.
  3. Solved : Sales notification showing verification issue.
  4. Solved : Minor issues.
  5. Compatibility : Latest WordPress and WooCommerce version.
  1. Added : Option for slider infinite loop control in universal product widget.
  2. Added : Variation product showing issue in Flash sale countdown widget.
  3. Solved : Dynamic variable creation issue.
  4. Improve : Template Building functionality.
  5. Added : Instagram and WhatsApp share button add in product share addon. (Pro)
  6. Solved : Cart and checkout page build issue with latest WooCommerce version. (Pro)
  7. Solved : Product filter product show issue with pagination. (Pro)
  8. Compatibility : Ensuring checkout and cart pages with the block theme. (Pro)
  9. Compatibility : Latest WordPress and WooCommerce version.
no changelog for this version
  1. Added: Introduced a link to the Popup Builder module for easy access when creating popups in popup builder Module.
  2. Added: Options for Open/Close Animation in popup builder Module.
  3. Option to set the frequency of popup display by specifying the number of days and close count in popup builder Module.
  4. Added: The Entire Site condition option by default in popup builder Module.
  5. Added : Out of stock product badge change option added in (Universal Product layout, Archive product custom layout, Related product custom, upsell product custom, cross sell custom, filterable product). (Pro)
  6. Added: Options to set animation delay in popup builder Module. (Pro)
  7. Added: The ability to open the popup by clicking on a specific element's class/ID in popup builder Module. (Pro)
  8. Added: Option to disable the overlay in popup builder Module. (Pro)
  9. Added : Image, title, SKU, and product meta showing option for order details addon in email customiser module. (Pro)
  10. Added : Slider option in customer review addon. (Pro)
  11. Added : 5(Date, DateTime Local, Time, Week, Month) Custom field type in Checkout Field manager module. (Pro)
  12. Added : Option to hide side mini cart when the cart is empty. (Pro)
  13. Solved : Elementor deprecated warning issue.
  14. Solved : Inactivity Time option is now functioning properly in popup builder Module.
  15. Solved : Resolved a popup query issue related to the setup_postdata function in popup builder Module.
  16. Solved : Demo template data showing issue in elementor mode.
  17. Solved: Increment and decrement button showing issue if product quantity is less then 1 or equal.
  18. Solved : Manually order create response issue fixed with Pre-Order Module. (Pro)
  1. Added : Filter for change the Order Details title.
  2. Added : Action Button hide show global option and individual option has been added in archive custom layout addon. (Pro)
  3. Added : Background color change option for list view mode in archive custom layout addon. (Pro)
  4. Added : Sort By product filter label change option in product Vertical and Horizontal product filter addon.
  5. Added : Product Meta Data show in Shopify like checkout module.
  6. Added : Sort By product filter label change option in product Vertical and Horizontal product filter addon.
  7. Added : QuickView close if click on outside and cross icon.
  8. Added : Popup Builder Module.
  9. Solved : Product ordering issue in default archive addon.
  10. Compatibility : Compatibility with latest WooCommerce and Elementor Version.
  1. Added : Taxonomy list showing option in taxonomy list page. (pro)
  2. Solved : HTML Tag name spelling issue in shopify like module.
  3. Solved : Sample template showing issue has been solved.
  4. Solved : External product redirect issue from QuickView popup.
  5. Solved : External product add to cart button issue with single product ajax add to cart module.
  6. Solved : Dimension field style issue for Gutenberg.
  7. Compatibility : Compatibility with latest WooCommerce Version.