WooCommerce Paid Courses  - Sensei Pro  (WC Paid Courses)

WooCommerce Paid Courses - Sensei Pro (WC Paid Courses)

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* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.24.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.24.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.24.0
* Sanitize user's display name
* Add support for VideoPress block on video integrations
* Fix students' last activity date in Groups
* Sell course with woocommerce tour not appearing
* Show Groups in menu only for admins
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.23.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.23.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.23.0
* Add Sensei home task for creating new product
* Fix course expiration to distinguish between course access and course enrolment
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.21.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.21.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.21.0
* Generate initial content for lesson using AI
* Don't load Sensei Blocks plugin if Sensei Pro is already activated to avoid duplicity
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.20.1 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.20.1/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.20.1
* Content drip not working when Jetpack is enabled issue solved
* Prevent an error in rare cases when both WooCommerce and WP Activity Log are active
* Prevent an error log related to Woo HPOS support
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.20.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.20.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.20.0
* Add the ability to style lesson action buttons in Premium learning mode lesson templates
* Show a notice when the user tries to generate questions using AI but the lesson has no content
* Changed premium learning mode templates to use PHP to make them translatable.
* Rename "View Quiz" block to "Take Quiz"
* Fix error when using older version of Woo Subscriptions
* Improve reliability of send logic for No Progress email
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.19.2 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.19.2/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.19.2
* New styles for timer in timed quizzes and a sticky timer for mobile and scrolled view
* Ensure Image Hotspot toolbar is not over the hotspot in the editor
* Notice styles for paid Courses in learning mode
* Style of timed quiz notice
* Frontend assets for interactive blocks loading in any page with a video
* Improve performance by caching multiple database calls generated by paid courses
* Remove unused email-related settings for Content Drip
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.17.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.17.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.17.0
* Added functionality to deactivate license directly within the plugin.
* Added functionality to view and modify licenses within the plugin.
* Changed the styles of pro question and answers
* Fix issue with widgets not being loaded.
* Fix translations when woothemes-sensei and sensei-lms are both active
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.15.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.15.0/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.15.0
* Improve the Learning Mode experience
* Fix error when course enrolment job runs
* Fix visibility of Header and Course Navigation on Modern template of Learning Mode
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 4.11.1 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/4.11.1/changelog.txt
* Sensei Pro: Version bump to 1.11.1
* Fix course list button style on Blockbase theme.
* Fix type error when `the_content` is not a string.