Woocommerce Gift Cards

Woocommerce Gift Cards 2.3.0

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* Tweak - Important: Removed compatibility with the new Product Editor.
* Fix - Resolved warning when cancelling an order with gift cards and object caching was enabled.
* New - Added compatibility with WordPress 6.7.
* Fix - Resolved the deprecation introduced in WC 9.3.0 by inheriting the reporting class conditionally.
* Fix - Change the text on the admin order configuration button to clarify what is being 'configured'.
* New - Added saving of last modified date of gift card when modified.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error in own version of WP_Background_Process.
* Important - New: PHP 7.4+ is now required.
* Important - New: WooCommerce 8.2+ is now required.
* Important - New: WordPress 6.2+ is now required.
* Important - Removed all previously deprecated code.
* Fix - Included own copy of WP_Background_Process library to avoid conflicts with other plugins.
* Tweak - Improved success notices when manually editing gift cards delivery dates.
* New - Added the ability to partially pay for orders using a gift card via WooPayments 8.0.0+ and Stripe 8.6.0+.
* New - Introduced compatibility with the new Product Editor.
* Tweak - Changed 'Gift Card already redeemed' notice to 'Gift Card already linked to an account'.
* Tweak - Improved how gift cards emails are displayed in small screens.
* Tweak - Updated the way of identifying hydration context in Store API requests.
* Tweak - Updated Gift Cards notices to use the new block styles.
* Fix - Resolved a PHP error that can occasionally occur when using WooPayments.
* Fix - Fixed fatal error triggered when recalculating totals with orders with gift cards and fees.
* Tweak - Hide 'Refund to gift cards' button from orders that do not include any debited gift cards.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented admin scripts from loading when High-Performance Order Storage was used.
* New - Introduced 'woocommerce_gc_cart_gift_cards_template_args' filter.
* Fix - Fixed 'Invalid quantity configuration. Please review the recipients count.' error for multiple gift cards with the same recipient email.