WooCommerce Food - Restaurant Menu & Food ordering

WooCommerce Food - Restaurant Menu & Food ordering 3.2.8 Nulled

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- New - Add Exclude categories from Opening and Closing time
- New - Add button to remove product from global option
- New - Open product from cart page in popup
- Fix some minor bugs
- Add - Min max total qty for checkbox option
- Add - Fixed menu list filter on scroll on mobile
- Fix - Condition logic with multi rules
- Fix - get Timezone does not work correctly on some servers
- Fix - Min max qty bug
- Fix some other minor bugs
- Show upsell after adding an item to the cart.
- Open the product link in a popup from the side cart.
- Remove the notice message in php 8.
- Fix some other minor bugs.
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Reactions: inquevative
- Compatible with High-Performance Order Storage
- Add Min max qty extra checkbox and radio option
- Fix some other minor bugs
- Support postcodes contain ranges
- Fix cart total does not update when change qty
- Fix live total does not work with some themes
- Add global info
- Add minus plus for the quantity extra option field
- Fix import settings bug
- Fix show order method in group menu shortcode
- Fix some other minor bugs
- Add new modal food details style
- Add support set Shipping fee by postcode containing wildcards
- Remove google map API error message in debug Console
- Fix verify postcode bug with space
- Fix some other minor bugs
no change log for this version
- Show opening and closing time on table
- Fix shiping fee by time bug
- Fix wrong delivery time bug on ical export file
- Fix cross-sells bug when enable menu by date
- Fix live total price bug on some themes
- Add Latitude and Longitude for store address
- Fix other minor bugs
Download WooCommerce Food v3.1.4 - Restaurant Menu & Food ordering Nulled Free
v3.1.4 - 20/08/2022

- Show location and address in whatsapp message
- Fix Decimal separator shipping by postcode fee and minimum
- Fix live total price bug on mobile
- Fix other minor bugs
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Reactions: asamp