WooCommerce Anti-Fraud

WooCommerce Anti-Fraud 5.8.8

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* Fix: PLUGINS-2276 - Woo Security Scan issues from automated QIT tool.
* Update: PLUGINS-2362 - Setting data validation for input fields.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2511 - Fix WC_Geolocation usage and update whitelist IP feature to have a notice to merchant about using of Geolocation.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2521 - Admin notice error displaying despite correct API credentials with Bigdata.
* Add: PLUGINS-1063 - Multilingual support for ES, FR, PT, NL, DE, ZH, IT, PL, RU, TR, AR, SV, EL, HU, DA.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2195 - Change 'theme-option' slug for the Anti Fraud dashboard menu.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2346 - Fix Anti Fraud dashboard points to incorrect URL.
* Add: PLUGINS-2377 - Geolocation rule now requires Bigdatacloud API key.
* Add: PLUGINS-2373 - Button at Order level to Manually check the Order.
* New: PLUGINS-2411 - Record MaxMind Data points in Woo Orders.
Fix: PLUGINS-2386 - Anti Fraud - Woo QI Test Issues.
* Remove: PLUGINS-2430 - Remove malfunctioning notification recommending MaxMind and Trust Swiftly.
Add: PLUGINS-2375 - Trust Swiftly text updates.
* Fix: PLUGINS-2299 - Fix code that is causing memory limit in the Anti Fraud dashboard page.