Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro

Webnus Modern Events Calendar Pro 7.20.0 Nulled

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- Added: Update event route to the RESTful API.
- Added: Upload image route to the RESTful API.
- Added: Upload attachment route to the RESTful API.
- Added: Get custom fields route to the RESTful API.
- Added: Speaker to the shortcode filter options.
- Added: %%ics_link_all_occurrences%% placeholder to download ics file of all occurrences of event.
- Added: An option to manage other organizers field in Frontend Event Submission.
- Improved: The location, organizer and speaker links to open in a new page by default.
- Improved: The placeholders of admin notification.
- Improved: The compatibility with PHP 8.3
- Fixed: An issue in Pay By WooCommerce gateway.
- Fixed: An issue in full calendar and monthly skin.
- Fixed: An issue in default value of other organizers field.
- Fixed: Some errors during import / export.
- Fixed: Some issues in time picker fields.
- Fixed: Issue with the Register button not working properly on Android
- Fixed: Primary and Secondary Border-radius values resetting unexpectedly
- Added: Event Create endpoint to the RESTful API.
- Added: Enhanced dropdown to the dropdown fields of search module.
- Added: An option to load global tickets for existing events when all other tickets are removed.
- Added: An option to change the secondary border-radius in settings.
- Improved: The tile skin.
- Improved: The partial payment system.
- Updated: Some language files.
- Fixed: Some issues in the search module.
- Fixed: Some issues in pay by WooCommerce system.
- Fixed: Some issues in XML export / import.
- Fixed: Some other minor issues.
- Added: An ability to insert full data of sponsors in Frontend Submission.
- Added: An ability to insert full data of speakers in Frontend Submission.
- Added: Login command to the restful API.
- Added: Trash event command to the restful API.
- Added: Delete event command to the restful API.
- Added: My events command to the restful API.
- Added: An option to restrict MEC coupon codes to be applicable only for one booking in MEC cart.
- Added: An option to change the primary border-radius in settings.
- Improved: The Edit Per Occurrence option to be compatible with WPML.
- Improved: The MEC translation option.
- Improved: The search bar by adding enhanced drop-downs.
- Improved: The PayPal standard gateway.
- Fixed: An issue with importing custom days events using .ics file.
- Fixed: An issue in XML export.
- Fixed: An issue in weekly skin regarding displaying the active day.
- Fixed: Some issues in countdown skin.
- Fixed: An issue with bookings export.
- Added: An ability to accept both full and partial payments at the same time.
- Added: A new option to set event status for existing events updating using the Frontend Event Submission.
- Added: An option to set custom hour for “Hide Events” option.
- Redeveloped: The Constant Contact integration based on their new API.
- Improved: Security of some links.
- Improved: Validation of tel inputs in booking module.
- Fixed: Some issues in map view of shortcodes.
- Improved: The structure of MEC cron jobs.
- Fixed: An issue in gallery module of Frontend Event Submission.
- Added: Google Recaptcha v3 support.
- Added: An option to create a WordPress user for all attendees instead of only main attendee.
- Added: Event details endpoint to the restful API.
- Fixed: An issue with registration button and it now hides when ticket sales window has ended.
- Fixed: Some issues in certificate system.
- Fixed: Some issues regarding placeholders in notifications.
- Fixed: Some issues with notification recipients.
- Fixed: Some issues in PayPal gateway and decimal payable amount after fee applying.
- Fixed: Some issues in short-codes with descending order.
- Fixed: An issue with coupon codes and PayPal gateway.
- Fixed: Some encoding issues when sending notifications.
- Added: An option to PMP integration to restrict a certain ticket for certain user levels.
- Added: Event search to the Restful API System.
- Added: Auto month rotation in monthly skin of full calendar.
- Updated: Lity package.
- Fixed: An issue in year dropdown in search module.
- Fixed: An issue in search and displaying ongoing events.
- Fixed: An issue in displaying 6th row of calendar when unnecessary.
- Fixed: An issue in changing icons in MEC lite.
- Fixed: An issue in displaying the total ticket count in backend event management.
- Fixed: An issue in event maintenance feature.
- Fixed: An issue in weekly skin for activating the first date with event.
- Fixed: An issue in sending multilingual notifications.
- Fixed: An issue in RESTful API.
- Added: The RESTful API management.
- Added: Inter to the available fonts.
- Added: Events to the days of previous and next months in monthly skin.
- Improved: The stripe metadata and description.
- Improved: JS minified files.
- Improved: Displaying other occurrences in email notifications.
- Fixed: Some issues regarding timetable start date.
- Fixed: An issue in iCal feed regarding displaying not published events.
- Fixed: An issue in displaying background image in some skins.
- Fixed: An issue in displaying event cost.
- Fixed: An issue regarding modal window in full calendar.
- Added: GDPR compliance to send other email notifications after email verification
- Added: Option to remove an event after last day of event
- Added: Dropdown input for tags
- Added: EventRescheduled status
- Added: Auto scroll to the message after event submission in frontend event submission
- Improved: The event maintenance feature by adding repeating events
- Improved: Accessibility in some parts
- Improved: The security of Frontend Event Submission
- Improved: The event title per occurrence
- Fixed: Some icon issues
- Fixed: Issue in CSV and Excel export
- Fixed: SQL error
- Fixed: Issue in PayPal Express and MEC Cart
- Fixed: Issue in loading new events
- Fixed: Issue in event description placeholder
- Fixed: Some PHP errors
- Fixed: Event display issue in modern & clean style of monthly skin