
uiXpress 1.0.21 Nulled

No permission to download
* Fixed style issues with voxel theme
* Added option to enable cloudflare turnstyle on the login page
* Added option to choose admin layout
* Fixed issues with mobile menu
* Fixed style issues with elementor and independent analytics settings page
* Added option to change the login URL
* Added text replacement feature for white labelling other plugins / wordpress
* Further improvement of styles t reduce conflicts
* Tweaks to styles to address issues with bookingpress plugin
* Fixed Gutenberg styles with blocksy theme
* Improved load times of menu and toolbar
* Added loading indicator
* Fixed non scrollable menu when minimised
* Fixed style issues with gravity forms
* Fixed issue where settings page styles were broken when theme was disabled.
* Added fix for mainwp dashboard
* Added styles updates for frontend adminbar and added dark logo (if set)
* Fixed issues with wpcodebox and wordfence
* Applied changes to core css to minmise general styling conflicts
* Fixed issue where dark mode logo was not loading on login page
* Added options to modify color scheme in uiXpress
* Login page now respects user preferance for light / dark mode
* Fixed search modal on smaller screens
* Fixed toolbar icon alignment
* Added custom css option
* Added theme color options
* improved ui of uixpress settings and added tabbed categories

* Added fix for slim seo in dark mode