UiPress Pro

UiPress Pro 3.4.02 Nulled

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Author jessy
Creation date
* Fixed bug with role editor with role redirects - when url contained special characters it would fail to decode them on the front end
* Fixed bug with role editor were cloning role could fail in some situations
* Fixed issue that could throw an error when using the folders extension
* Improved UX of the block conditions and allowed for editing of conditions after they are set
* Added new matomo analytics blocks (charts, tables and map)
* Shortcode block no longer displays actual shortcode code while loading
* Fixed several php 8.3 depreciation notices
* Fixed bug with user management role editor where you are unable to add new caps to a blank role
* Added new chart style options to control style and options of charts
* Fixed issue with folders module in dark mode not correctly showing text colours
* Several admin menu builder bug fixes
* Added fathom analytics blocks
* Added matomo analytics blocks
* Fixed bug with conditions creator
* Fixed issue with menu builder where the option to apply to subsites was missing
* Performance improvements to folders, user management and menu builder. All should now load about 70% quicker
* Fixed bug with menu creator where custom capabilities were not being applied
* Added new notifications block
*Release Date - 3 July 2023*

* Fixed bug with role redirects where it was only working on login and not resetting the home page
* Fixed bug with content folders where the option to limit to user was always on
* Fixed issue with text colours on analytic charts
* Fixed issue with charts were they would not respond to dimensions when set
* Fixed an issue where licence key prompt would show up even though it was already registered
* Fixed an issue where licence key prompt would incorrectly show up on subsites on a multisite environment
* Fixed bug with search block where you were unable to change search post types option
* Fixed issue on menu editor where there was no overflow of the menu items in the editor
* Fixed issue with modal plugin where the style editor wouldn't load
* Fixed issue with folders when minimised where tables did not stretch back to correct width
* Fixed issue with menu builder were custom classes were not being applied
* Fixed bug with menu creator where it would show incorrect modified date
* Added new user management and history extensions
* Added new folder management for posts and media
* Fixed issue where frontend toolbars would fail to load
* Added new menu creator feature
* Fixed issue on multisite where analytics accounts were not syncing correctly
* Added two new site options to limit media and posts / pages to users own only
* Added new woocommerce analytics blocks
* Added new Kanban view block for woocommerce orders
* Added recent orders block for woocommerce
* Added new analytics maps block
* Added new conditional options for showing / hiding blocks
Added new shortcode block
Added several options for customising the login page
Removed version number from user enqueued styles and scripts to prevent potential caching issues
bug fix
Fixed issue with advanced menu editor where adding submenu items to custom admin pages wasn't possible
bug fix
Stopped the head code option double loading
bug fix
Fixed issue with keyboard shortcuts for dropdowns / offcanvas panels etc not showing up in block settings
bug fix
Fixed issue with translations not loading up
* Added new content navigator block