TranslatePress Pro - WordPress Translation Plugin

TranslatePress Pro - WordPress Translation Plugin 1.5.5 Nulled

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* Fixed redirect loop on pages with translated slugs on sites that enforce missing trailing slash on paths
* Fixed issue with GET parameters having broken encoding or forced lowercase causing compatibility issues with other plugins
* Fixed redirect loop issues in some cases
* Fixed subdirectory installs 404 issues in some cases
* Added hook trp_translated_request_uri
* Fixed not being able to remove products from cart on additional languages in WooCommerce
* Updated Geo IP database to 20250207 version
* Fixed deprecated way of calling DeepL API
* Extended keyword search in String Translation UI to return results from slug translations too, alongside matching default language slugs
* Improved String Translation UI by showing inactive translations of slugs for original slugs that no longer exist
* Added new feature to delete slug translations in String Translation UI, useful for cleaning up unwanted suffixes when having duplicate original slug conflicts
* Fixed broken translated urls when having multiple terms separated by plus or comma
* Fixed broken GET parameters in translated urls, sometimes causing redirect loops
* Fixed some cases of broken translated urls containing non-latin characters
* Fixed untranslated rel=next and rel=prev link tags added by SEO plugins
* Fixed not setting srcset attributes properly for translated images
* Improved database management by no longer inserting non-translated external URLs and images
* Fixed detecting the same email address multiple times due to antispambot outputting it in different encodings
* Fixed Translation Editor pencil icon positioning
* Fixed Translation Editor when viewing in RTL language
* Fixed php error occurring in some cases when translating WooCommerce emails
* Fixed deprecated notice in PHP 8 regarding rtrim function
* Fixed WooCommerce emails being sent in default language instead of user's language when placing order as non-logged in guest on a Blocks checkout form
* Fixed trp-gettext wrappings appearing on WooCommerce Blocks checkout form
* Added admin notifications about Black Friday sale
* Fixed compatibility with CTX Feed plugin
* Improved security by doing a capability check on activating/deactivating license
* Added new parameter to hook trp_translate_this_href
* Fixed url slug handling. It's recommended to back-up your database before updating
* Fixed admin notices text
* Fixed errors in Multisite leading to targeting incorrect subsite tables for some strings
* Fixed TranslatePress Editor pencil icon's incorrect placement in some cases
* Fixed deprecated notice when translating WooCommerce emails