1. Fixed an issue where descriptions were exceeding the column width in The7 Products.
2. Resolved problems with The7 Slider after the Swiper Library update (related to the Elementor feature).
3. Addressed the issue where pointer events were not working inside slides in The7 Slides widgets.
4. Corrected a problem where the mini-cart became invisible on refresh.
1. Fixed an issue where the "home" menu item (#!/up) is not being highlighted.
2. Resolved the incompatibility issue with Elementor PRO 3.14.0.
1. The7 Slides are now translatable with WPML.
2. Added the required second argument to the 'get_the_excerpt' filter.
3. Fixed the fatal error: Uncaught TypeError caused by array_key_exists().
4. Addressed the XSS vulnerability in the legacy "DT Flickr" widget (by removing it). Please note that this was only a theoretical threat, as exploiting it required a bad actor to already have admin access.
1. Removed stale “Added To Cart” state setting in Product widgets.
2. Renamed “Out Of Stock” to just “Out” in the Add To Cart widget.
3. Updated it_IT translation.
Bug Fixes:
1. Thumbnails for the WC product categories occasionally failed to be imported.
2. The7 used deprecated elementor.saver.on feature.
3. Simple Posts widget content width was wrong on mobiles.
4. Currency sign color differed from the price color.
5. Undefined property: WP_Post_Type $term_id in ...categories-list.php.
5. Slider JS error.
7. Right arrow on the product images gallery would slide images back.
8. Missing gap between image and text in the mega menu.
9. Submenu images were still visible even if “Menu Icon” was “hidden”.
10. “The7 Testimonials Carousel” widget’s image right margin did not work.
New features:
1. Log in / log out widget.
2. Universal categories list widget with post type selection.
1. Images lazy loading was completely reworked and optimized. This improves performance on page scroll.
2. "resize" event was split into separate "resizeWidth" and "resizeHeight" events; debounced resize events were improved. All leading to significant performance improvements on window resize and screen orientation change.
3. Images cropping in various widgets was transferred from JavaScript-assisted to CSS-only. This improves performance on page loading.
4. "aspect-ratio" CSS attribute was added to most images on the server side. This prevents responsive images from collapsing on page loading, thus improving user experience.
5. Slides overlay transparency is now responsive.
6. "Add to cart" and product variations icons in the Carousel and Grid & Masonry widgets are now responsive.
7. Icon, Icon Box, and Image Box widgets were extended with a number of additional settings.
Bug Fixes:
1. "Blink" on changing images on hover in shop widgets.
2. Product Images Carousel. Image zoom on hover was disabled on mobile devices.
3. Scroll to anchor works incorrectly when there is a carousel widget(s) on a page.
4. Custom Post Type category meta is missing when a widget displays the current query.
5. Fixed "Uncaught TypeError: json_decode(): Argument #1 ($json) must be of type string."
6. Shop Carousel and Grid & Masonry widgets. Settings for label variations are always visible.+
v. Changelog
No changelog
v.11.4.1 Changelog
1. Improved PHP 8.1 compatibility
2. Google fonts list updated
3. Images loading in carousel widgets overhauled.
4. Carousel widgets rebuilt to use CSS variables.
Bug Fixes:
1. WooCommerce. Service message is missing on a single product page after adding a product to a cart.
2. Elementor. FontAwesome Pro fonts are missing in the mega menu icon picker.
3. WooCommerce. The quantity field is displayed even for products sold individually.
New Features:
1. Products list widgets:
- variations appearance;
- variations can now be added to the card right for lists;
- work on mobile devices;
- progress indicator on adding product to a cart;
- etc., etc.
2. Popups:
- "fit to screen" now properly works on mobile devices;
- max-height setting added to "fit content";
- custom scrollbar settings.
3. Mini cart widget was completely reworked. Confusing layout options are gone. Now you only have the min- and max-height settings. The widget automatically figures out its appearance based on the visitors' screen/device. Also, custom scrollbar settings were added.
4. "Sticky" sections now have a new [experimental] feature: show/hide on scroll.
1. Add an accessibility description field for the "The7 Icon" widget.
2. Off-screen content pre-loading in carousel widgets.
3. Widgets appearance during the page loading process.
4. Product Gallery. "Zoom" icon upload option added.
Bug Fixes:
1. Vertical Menu. Spare space for dropdown indicators sometimes throws off the layout.
2. WooCommerce pages doubling on import of the demo content.
3. Horizontal Menu > Mobile menu icon. The size setting is not working when using a .svg icon.
4. Product Gallery > Arrows. The size setting is not working when using .svg icons.
5. Slider. Issues with .svg icons.
6. Default quantity arrows are visible in FireFox.
7. Shop Categories. Issues with the encoding of captions.
8. "Inline" .svg images have spare spaces.
9. Carousel widgets. Lazy-loading images are not loading if the first action is scrolling the carousel back.
10. Sections "unstick" sometimes is not happening on fast scrolls.
11. Image Box. Incorrect image width with short captions.
12. Incorrect description in WooCommerce login form.
Other minor improvements and changes.