- Feature: Masonry option for the Row Element
- Feature: Content based Posts can use HTML storage for better support with SEO plugins
- Feature: Breadcrumbs looper provider and Breadcrumbs Elements prefab
- Feature: Meta Query builder data type control
- Feature: Query Builder Post Status control
- Feature: Element visibility status button added to the outline
- Feature: Attachment / Media post type can be selected in the Query Builder when used with the Post Status
- Feature: Scroll Progress control for the Line Element
- Updated: Select boxes have a Dynamic Content button
- Updated: Unit field will have a full length value when it detects Dynamic Content, and Dynamic Content is selectable via the unit dropdown
- Updated: Border Style and Color can enter breakout mode
- Updated: Global Colors and Fonts have a control to edit the ID of an item
- Updated: Theme Options Export will export and import global colors and fonts
- Updated: Looper Field Dynamic Content contains a select box with all available looper keys available
- Updated: Google Fonts List
- Updated: Preview link targeting which disables cornerstone from redirecting the frame, has been moved out of the preview js to the cornerstone js.
- Updated: Font Awesome 6.7.2
- Updated: Query Builder allows you to enter in -1, querying all posts of a given post type
- Updated: Element icons added back into the library and outline. Preference for this added as well
- Updated: Removed beta flag on External API
- Updated: Subtle performance enhancement of searching in the element library
- Updated: Element definition for an icon allows you to use an alias
- Updated: Clipboard error message gives better info on what could have gone wrong
- Updated: Omega control has an add_id option for non-dom based items that could have a custom ID
- Bugfix: Dynamic Content get path through dot syntax would not work when grabbing inner object
- Bugfix: Parameters using isVar could not be used properly by Twig
- Bugfix: Row template could not use parameters using isVar
- Bugfix: Controls that went from it's base breakpoint value to another value back to the base value would not work. Example going from auto to 50% back to auto on the Div width
- Bugfix: Twig that outputs Twig would not render the dynamic content properly
- Bugfix: Custom attributes and other array based values had a poor rendering strategy resulting in most Twig templates working improperly
- Bugfix: Modern Event Calendars Single and Archive layouts for events would not use a custom layout
- Bugfix: Locked elements with inner childs over a depth of 1 were still selectable and context menu would still work on them too
- Bugfix: Adding a condition to a row, then removing that condition would cause the row to never show up again
- Bugfix: Unlock permission was not checked on the inspector controls for locked elements
- Bugfix: Changing a groups parameter breakpoint values sometimes would not work
- Bugfix: WooCommerce layout detection did not check post empty state
- Updated: Template API will update global fonts and colors
- Bugfix: TinyMCE Global Colors integration would give a warning if you were using custom Global Color groups
Feature: Parameter Condition contains https://theme.co/docs/parameters#conditional-parameters-with-arrays
Feature: Image Full Width prefab
Bugfix: Author prefabs were using user Dynamic Content and not Author Dynamic Content
Bugfix: Elements library tab would crash if you clicked it while the Document was loading
Bugfix: Theme Options Close all action (CTRL + click) not working on the Start and Blank stack `Setup` group
Feature: Tabs have a tablist direction control
Feature: Dynamic Content Cookies actions set and get
Feature: Dynamic Content User username
Feature: Templates API https://theme.co/docs/templates-api
Feature: Slider data-x-slide-goto-keep-active https://theme.co/docs/sliders#custom-attributes
Bugfix: Toggle hash clicks were creating two browser history entries
Bugfix: Cornerstone Post Editor overlay was not always displaying
Bugfix: Sites without a theme option setup for a breakpoint range would crash due to moving theme options setup after init for WordPress 6.7 translation changes
- Feature: `cs-preview-render` JS event when Cornerstone has had a change to it's document
- Feature: Dropdown center positioning
- Feature: `is_cornerstone_preview` helper function
- Feature: Author Dynamic Content has a `global` argument that can ignore the current post you are looping over and use the author archives author data
- Bugfix: Portfolio post types and non settable page templates types were not previewing the correct layout in the Cornerstone preview
- Bugfix: Meta query builder was having a UI overflow issue when the meta value was very long
- Bugfix: Toggleables ancestry check did not check if the toggle id was already in the ancestry tree, causing an infinite loop on advanced toggleable setups
- Bugfix: Raw content as a Component was having an undefined index warning in the Cornerstone preview
- Bugfix: Modal inside of a modal was creating an invalid z-index and not displaying in front of the back most modal
- Bugfix: Hover based toggleables would not close from clicking the toggle on touch devices
- Bugfix: An accordion inside of a tab would not open properly when navigating between tabs and then trying to open the accordion
- Bugfix: Element list caret toggle was overflowing improperly
- Bugfix: Related Products looper did not work properly when using "Current Product"
- Bugfix: Audio Element in Starter, Blank, and Cornerstone standalone had various controls like background color that did not work
- Bugfix: Navigation Layered element would not resize properly in toggleable elements like accordions or tabs
- Bugfix: Component using a tab inside it would not display in Cornerstone all the time
- Bugfix: cornerstone.pot was missing
- Feature: Range Looper https://theme.co/docs/loopers#range-looper
- Feature: If a component is missing there is a control in place to let you choose a valid component as a replacement
- Feature: Query Builder custom attributes JSON
- Feature: Frontend filter `cs_mejs_video_player_args` for controlling all MediaElement options
- Feature: Post is_sticky Dynamic Content and Condition
- Feature: Yoast ignore condition
- Updated: Global External APIs can accept Dynamic Content in their fields
- Updated: Cornerstone AJAX GET requests will send _wp_nonce in the GET variables as well as the standard nonce header
- Bugfix: WC Archive and Single layout will try to force it's layout type better to prevent missing preview messages
- Bugfix: WPML Subdomain mode will only try the redirect if the redirecting locating is a valid subdomain of the previewing language. Preventing an issue where it would start an infinite redirect
- Bugfix: 404 page preview would sometimes not work
- Bugfix: Video volume control for videos was missing on mobile
- Bugfix: Edit with Cornerstone top header button was missing on the Gutenburg Post Editor
- Bugfix: Accordion items would flicker open on page load when they were already opened
- Bugfix: Width 100% has been placed on tab panels to prevent an issue where a slider could expand the tab panel in a broken looking way
- Bugfix: Components names and groups with long names would overflow the UI in a broken looking way
- Bugfix: Query Builder order by `Ignore` would still display the meta value controls
- Bugfix: Trailing comma removal in the function of BG partial
- Bugfix: You could not loop over the number zero
- Feature: WooCommerce Related Products Looper
- Feature: Documents have a direct export button
- Feature: `cs_render_as_preview_valid` filter to be used on advanced elements that need a full HTML representation of an element even when in the Cornerstone Preview
- Bugfix: Line element and a few other elements that use tags such as hr, and link would output a closing tag which is not valid HTML
- Bugfix: Current Terms Looper when empty would return an invalid array where the only entry was the value false
- Bugfix: ACF Repeater Looper Fields would not work with the Dynamic Content depth argument
- Bugfix: Google fonts filter to disable `cs_load_google_fonts` was broken due to the now toggle button in the google fonts configuration section of Global Fonts
- Bugfix: Font Family control would error out on certain custom font items that did not contain a fallback font
- Bugfix: Datetime controls, used in elements such as the countdown, did not show a proper update when typing into the control directly
- Bugfix: Close and Expand all Group Module controls, via holding the mod button and clicking a section, was broken
- Bugfix: Toggles send a special event when toggling on or off instead of using the resize event which was causing issues with Revolution Slider
- Bugfix: Cornerstone Permission for the Template "Power Button", would reset itself if a role could edit any content type
Feature: Color picker will output the color format you used if you typed in a hex or a hsl value
Updated: Removal of --webkit-appearance textfield CSS which was causing styling issues
Updated: Modal Inner close button does not use an href to prevent scrolling issues
Bugfix: SVG shadows would output invalid shadows when they were turned off
Bugfix: Jetpack using a custom CDN for React was causing issues
Bugfix: Opening an accordion item was causing issues with the position of scroll effect
Bugfix: WooCommerce single layouts didnt setup the row element correctly