Taskify SaaS - Project Management System in Laravel

Tested Taskify SaaS - Project Management System in Laravel 1.0.2

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Author chavez
Creation date
- New feature: System notifications for project, task, workspace, and meeting assignments.
- New feature: SMS notifications for project, task, workspace, and meeting assignments, including SMS gateway settings to configure preferred SMS gateways.
- Customizable email templates for:
- Account creation
- Email verification
- Forgot password
- Project/task/meeting/workspace assignments
- Languages list page with options to edit and delete languages.
- Proper gap between filters in mobile view.
- Missing translations.
- Global search transformed into a suggestion-based search encompassing:
- Projects
- Tasks
- Meetings
- Workspaces
- Todos
- Notes
- Users
- Clients
- Status and email verification now separated during user/client creation.
- Date format functionality enhanced system-wide to ensure expected behavior.
- Version information moved to the footer.
- Allowed 0 decimals in currency format.
- Resolved issues with upcoming birthdays, work anniversaries, and members on leave not displaying as expected.
- Optimized the project information page and task information page by using the tab view.
- Implemented several bug fixes and UI improvements.
+ Added filters in subscriptions, plans, projects, tasks, and more
+ Resolved other admin's status visibility issue.
+ Resolved plan image update issue
+ Added validations for price and percentages in the entire app.
+ Resolved symlink storage issue
+ Resolved minor bugs and did overall improvements.
+ Various UI improvements and bug fixes.