SUMO Reward Points - WooCommerce Reward System

SUMO Reward Points - WooCommerce Reward System 30.3.0

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New: Option to set Redeeming Points based on Product Level
New: Option to award Maximum Points in the Order[Applicable to "Cart Total" & "Cart Total Range" Earning Type]
New: Option to award Product Purchase Points based on Quantity[Applicable only to "Product Total" Earning Type]
New: Option to award Bonus Points for Referral Account Signup
Tweak: Improvement in displaying Earn Points Message for Variable Products to Guest Users
Tweak: Improvement in Redeeming Restriction Settings
Tweak: Improvement in Unsubscribing the Emails
Tweak: Improvement in Product Level & Category Level Settings
Tweak: Improvement in displaying Currency & Point Price Separator
Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v7.3.0
Fix: Incorrect points being deducted from the account when getting a Discount & using Reward Points Payment Gateway
Fix: Blog Post Creation Points are not awarded
New: Added Email Share button for Referral Link
New: Points Validity can be set for Birthday Reward Points
New: Option to Export the Reports based on User Role & Email ID
Tweak: Improvement in displaying Birthday Date Picker based on Rewards Program Opt-in
Tweak: Improvement in Pagination for My Rewards Table
Tweak: Improvement in calculating Points for Variations
Tweak: Improvement in shortcodes used in the SMS Module
Tweak: Following Improvements made in Payment Gateway Reward Points
- Points can be awarded based on Decimal Value
- Modified the position of the Earn Points Message displayed at checkout
Tweak: Improvement in displaying SUMO Discounts Compatibility Menu
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.1.1 & WooCommerce v7.2.1
Fix: Issue in placing an order with Reward Points Payment Gateway during insufficient points
Tweak: Improvement made in Points Expiry Value in Email
Tweak: Currency & Point Price display improvement in Subtotal
Tweak: Improvement made when using WooCommerce Coupon & Points in the same order
Tweak: Improvement made in saving the default values in the Email Module
Tweak: Improvement made in awarding Free Product based on Member Level
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.1.1 & v7.1
Fix: Thousand separator value for points is not calculated in the Master Log
Fix: Warning error when manually creating the orders
  • New: Option to set the redeeming based on Multiples of Points
  • New: Option to set the redeeming based on Predefined Values
  • New: Option to set Maximum Redeeming Points Per Day
  • New: Added Total Expired Points option in Reports Module
  • New: Added Preview option in Email Module
  • Tweak: Improvement made in Redemption of Points
  • Tweak: Improvement made in Button Type Redeeming based on Discounted Price
  • Tweak: Improvement made in Importing the Points
  • Tweak: Improvement made in Frontend Display
  • Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce v6.9.4
Download SUMO Reward Points v28.3 - WooCommerce Reward System Nulled Free
v28.3 on 20 September 2022

Tweak: Username can be displayed in Birthday Reward Points Email
Tweak: Improvement made in Unsubscribe Link in the Email
Tweak: Improvement made in Point Price Module for Guest Users
Tweak: Points Earning Message displaying in Cart, Checkout & Thank you page is customizable
Tweak: Earned & Redeemed Points Value through shortcode can be displayed in Email Subject
Tweak: Saving the Email Content while adding the Points Manually
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.0.2 & WooCommerce v6.9.2
Fix: Date Filters in Reports Module are not working properly
Download SUMO Reward Points v28.1 - WooCommerce Reward System Nulled Free
v28.1 on 18 July 2022

Tweak: Improvement made on Instagram Icon
Tweak: Improvement made in Gift Voucher Codes Export File
Tweak: Improvement made in SUMO Waitlist Compatibility Settings
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.0.1 and WooCommerce v6.7.0
Fix: Calculation issue in discount value applied through points[Conflict with Maximum Discount Threshold Value option] Fix: Error on Product Purchase Module[Conflict with Payment Gateway Restriction]
Fix: Warning error on Error Log
Download SUMO Reward Points v28.0 - WooCommerce Reward System Nulled Free
v28.0 on 03 July 2022

New: Major Code Improvements for the Performance
New: Option to restrict the Buying Reward Points for Renewal Orders[Compatible with WooCommerce Subscriptions and SUMO Subscriptions]
Tweak: Improvement made in Automatic Payments - SUMO Reward Points Payment Gateway[SUMO Subscriptions Compatibility]
Tweak: Improvement made when loading the Cashback Form
Tweak: Improvement made when choosing Advanced Setup in Point Price Module
Tweak: Improvement in Datepicker Field for Birthday Reward Points
Tweak: Improvement in Product Purchase Gateway Restriction Option
Tweak: Improvement in sending the emails to users based on Cron Job
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v6.0 & WooCommerce v6.6.1
Fix: Calculation issue in Button Type Redeeming
Fix: Calculation issue in discount value applied through Points[Conflict with Maximum Discount Threshold Value option]
Fix: Gift Voucher Usage Link is not working on the Post Table
Fix: Error on User Rewards Log
Download SUMO Reward Points v27.8 - WooCommerce Reward System Nulled Free
v27.8 on 19 April 2022

Tweak: Following improvements are made in Birthday Reward Points
- Birthday Date can be set manually by the site admin while creating a new user
- Birthday Date can be set by users during checkout
Tweak: Improvement made in Importing the Points through Import/Export Reward Points Module
Tweak: Improvements made in exporting the Master Log
Tweak: Tested with WordPress v5.9.3 & WooCommerce v6.4.0
Fix: Reward Points Payment Gateway is not displaying in the Payment Gateway Restriction option[Product Purchase Module]
Fix: Warning Error on Cart & Checkout when Earning Percentage based on User Role is configured
New: Promotion Reward Points Module
Tweak: Following improvements made in the Birthday Reward Points Module
- Points can be awarded when the Birthday Date has been manually set by the site admin
- Option to set the Birthday Date as Mandatory