StreamTube - Video Streaming WordPress Theme

StreamTube - Video Streaming WordPress Theme 3.0.17

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Author netman
Creation date
Updated: StreamTube theme - 3.0.17
Updated: StreamTube Core plugin - 3.1.16
Fixed: minor issue related to Auto Up Next
Updated: StreamTube theme - 3.0.16
no change log for this version
Fixed: Minor WooCommerce and Better Messages CSS issues.17
Updated: StreamTube theme - 3.0.2
Updated: StreamTube Core plugin - 3.0.2
Fixed: Minor issue with "Header 1 - Fullwidth" on extra-small mobile devices.
Fixed: BuddyPress Global Notice wasn't appearing on the user dashboard.
Fixed: Minor CSS
  • Updated: StreamTube Core plugin - Version 2.10.24