Solid Backups / IThemes BackupBuddy Plugin For WordPress

Solid Backups / IThemes BackupBuddy Plugin For WordPress 9.1.13 Nulled

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Deprecated: Google Drive will no longer be available as of August 1, read more:
Bug Fix: Added additional items to StellarWP Telemetry data tracking
Bug Fix: Added graceful handling of passthru function fatal error
Enhancement: Added Google Drive API legal text and link
Bug Fix: Fix in function reference for Standalone ImportBuddy.
Enhancement: Adding the capability to the diagnostics page to delete all .dat files.
Enhancement: Updating the design of the diagnostics troubleshooting page.
Enhancement: Hiding the Quick Start menu after the form is submitted.
Bug Fix: Fixing rules delimiter on Exclusions field in settings.
Bug Fix: Updating broken links for Stash storage.
Bug Fix: Removed backup pulse and blank events from backup process, fixing fileoptions locked during backup process issue.
Bug Fix: Updating broken links for Stash storage.
Enhancement: All S3 (v2) Desinations are migrated to S3 (v2) Destinations.
Removed: Support for S3 (v2) Destination.
Bug Fix: Backups and Stash Live were timing out due to fileoptions locked errors.
Bug Fix: S3 (v2) errors related to the "set()" function.
Dev Note: The default value of limit_single_cron_per_pass has been changed to false.
Bug Fix: Telemetry saving error.
Bug Fix: Integrity Check setting display.
Bug Fix: PHP 7.2 Compatibility issues.
Enhancement: Backup Creation screen design updated.
Enhancement: SolidWP Telemetry added to gather information for product improvement. Requires permission from administrators for use.
Removed: Support for the old Google Drive (v1).
Bug Fix: The Standalone Importer (ImportBuddy) would not complete.
Bug Fix: Google Drive Destination errors.
Bug Fix: Files not fully removed during cleanup actions.
Bug Fix: Destination options shown twice during Backup Creation.
Bug Fix: Plugin conflict issues.
Removed: "Force Internal Cron" feature has been removed. This is no longer necessary since Action Scheduler was implemented in v9.0
Bug Fix: The inclusion of GuzzleHttp within the Amazon S3 destination caused conflicts with other plugins.
Bug Fix: Scheduled Backups were not being scheduled correctly.
Dev Note: The AWS PHP SDK v3 is now included as a composer package, instead of located within the destinations/ drectory.
Dev Note: Strauss is now available for namespacing composer packages.
Enhancement: Better check for unique Action Scheduler events to prevent duplicate/unnecessary events.
Enhancement: Perform checks for allowed server PHP functions (like `phpinfo()`).
Bug Fix: Backup Creation could halt unexpectedly due to locked fileoptions files. Steps now process sequentially instead of nearly simultaneously.
Bug Fix: Some zip processing errors were caused by trying to close a non-existent zip file.
Bug Fix: File Tree displays were not showing proper indentation.