Deep link for external called Modals added : i.e. document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(‘popup_modal’, { detail: { slide: 2 } }));
Introduced new API method forcedPause() to pause slideshow and keep it from auto resuming when in viewport again until the resume() method called.
Introduced new V7 option Media Ignores Scroll Blur. This will allow the media to keep playing even when the module stopped out of the view port.
Multiple videos on page break with JS errors
Willow filter on media looks different in SR6 and SR7
Wrapper class for module not added in SR7
Dynamic links defined by meta tags redirect to the dynamic source, rather than using the meta tag value directly
3D Layers with scroll may break full slider module since version 6.7.17
In some very very rare case migration failes if old datas are corrupt.
Restrict SVG upload to Administrators only to avoid Stored Cross-Site Scripting via SVG File uploads
Apply sanitize to SVG files to prevent Stored Cross-Site Scripting via SVG File Upload
Decrease module height also affected height in the fullscreen mode
Orientation change on mobile caused JavaScript error
Not proportional custom size image layers are resized not properly
HTML5 Video is always muted, can not be unmuted due the original controls
Gesture Zoom on mobile devices may not resize layers and modules
Mobile Vertical scroll jumps with fullheight modules when search url bar becomes hidden
Respect Module Aspect ratio is not working
Infinity Carousel glitching on auto rotation restart
Infinity Carousel randomly switching direction when slide duration is low
Slides hidden from nav caused JavaScript error in thumbs navigation
Pause on hover not working on carousel auto rotating sliders
Mouse wheel navigation skipped slide change when the page scrolled rapidly
Slide background was not showing if the appearance animation was set to No Transition
The deep link URL hash does not change when the slide changes
The Mouse Wheel `CallDelay` option is undefined, making mouse operation on Mac impossible
Global layers that are forced to the background are incorrectly positioned on the stage
The number of fingers touching and swiping the screen is being ignored. Touch screens are reacting to single fingers only
Image animation combined with background color animation may fail if not all frame's background color defined correctly
Video layers have neither muted nor unmuted state at first load in SR7 Frontend, if video is set to Muted in SR6 Editor
Trying to load an absent post image in the post based slider causes an JavaScript error
Clicking on the slide's background videos will pause the playback
Streams do not have layers in v7 from the second slide onwards
Material is missing from WebGL Context clearing process
Carousel added in a flex container without dimensions generates an endless loop breaking the page
Background coloring and background image of the module is miscalculated if the module is embeded via an shortcode in WordPress containers
Preview is shown with SR6 engine in backend, even if the SR7 engine is selected as default rendering engine
Click on modal underlay, or outside of the modal window is not closing the modal itself in SR7
REST/Ajax calls did not add a header 200 response code
Video was not playing on carousel slider all the time when set to loop and always visible
Mobile touch navigation does not allow to scroll to content below a slider
Pause on hover not working when progress bar is disabled
Problem with loading images containing some special characters in the image name
Alternative image on mobile IE fallback settings was not functional
Simulate click action not working on mobile when touch swipe is enabled
Images with url relative to root can't be loaded
Problem with loading CDN images containing second protocol name in its url
Mouse wheel navigation options threshold and call delay have no effect
Slider does not resize correctly when orientation is switched back to portrait after landscape on mobile
Zone positions on mobile sizes are not calculated well on some slides
Vimeo arguments are ignored in SR7 frontend on background videos
Perspective is set on layers if they dont have any rotation, breaking fonts on iOS
Deep link is not working on carousel layout
First alternative slide is not working on any layout in SR7
Video with auto height not resized properly
Static layers can not be triggered any more by normal layers via actions
Video slider are skipping slides if they are set to rewind and switch the slide at the end of the video
Content on mobile phones are offsetted after oriention change
Video overlay color settings has no effects
Images using auto width and height dimensions in columns are not respecting their parent container dimensions
Mute & unmute videos not working well in some cases
If preloading is active for the SR7 Data Load Method, global slides are not loaded from the third slider onwards
Global setting "Include library globally" is not respected by the SR7 engine
Slider not initialized when optimized by Rocket Loader
SR7 removes sibling tags like span and p
Vimeo attributes like pip, dnt, pip, transcript, portrait are not working
The ToolBarTopFunction is still using the jQuery library, producing some errors in preview pages if jQuery is not loaded
Fullscreen height on mobile is not respecting min height of content in some cases
Parallax disabled on mobile still calculates the initial offset position of parallax elements which renders all layers at the wrong position
SVG export with starting // is not processes properly
Background image on module repeated even if the option is not selected
Media library image was not showing for post based slides if featured image on a post was missing
Depricated Next Slide on Focus and Disable Blur/Focus behaviour options and introduced new V7 Freeze On Blur option
Enable Google Fonts global option does not respect "Disable" and loads https://fonts.googleapis.com and https://fonts.gstatic.com/
Alternate URL for module is not migrated from SR6 to SR7
DeepLink Hash Tags in URl break Modules if they added on 3thd place or later
"Next Slide on Focus" and "Disable Blur/Focus Behavior" settings do not affect runtime processing
Lottie and BubbleMorph AddOns not working in admin preview due to incorrect layer classes names
Mouse Wheel navigation not working when screen size height is smaller than slider height
Looping Slide not respecting the End time, but will restart after the last animated frame on timeline
Missing background color for layers with background image assigned
Global Layers with "auto" height and "%" width may not drawn straight if Module is starting outside of the viewport
Loading Modals delayed, via PHP Filters may not set the defult Dimensions correctly on opened Modules
Modal shows missaligned and with the wrong dimensions if Modal Module layout set to Auto
On installation/plugin activation, if no Slider are present, the engine is changed to the Velocity Engine (V7)
Instagram stream not displaying images
Hover processing too early, negative influencing the "in" animation of layers
MouseTrap AddOn when adding a click event on video without providing a layer caused an error
Not initialized modules out of viewport resized incorrectly on window resize causing the horizontal scroll to appear
Scroll Below under, Scroll based Timelines and Video Scrolled Content not scrolling to the right ID
Fix Positioned Top Sliders by setting Pointer Events to none, without any exclusions
Filmstrip AddOn flickers on mobile phones
Gradient Backgrounds on SVG's drawn Transparent since latest updates
Swipe on MacOs swaps multiple slides if the swipe is thrown on a longer distance
Image Layers with auto width and auto height drawn stretched
Disabling Parallax Effect on Mobile has no Effect
Parallax effect on Mobile reacting only on touchmove and not simple touches any more
Attribute alt and title on images are missing in source mode
Rows and Columns are ignoring parallax and loop animations
Ajax form sumbit not working for Contact Form 7 added to layer via shortcode
Special Effect keeps playing on layer hidden by device visibility options
HTML Video Toggle Mute action had to be double fired to mute video for the first time
If SVG elements added (i.e. Charts) an extra space generated under the Module
Deeplink Slide targets not working in SR7
Module Margins and Paddings are not respected and rendered
Overdimensioned Modules behave differently in SR7 than SR6 when Screen size smaller on some Responsive screensizes
Link action on YouTube stream based slides is leading to the same url of the last video
If slide is hidden from navigation it cause JavaScript error and break navigation
Touch Swipe is not working on Hoverable and Clickable elements
Min Height set on Auto layout also respected on Fullwdith and Fullscreen layouts
Post Excerpts Meta {{excerpt}} is not shortened by the slider setting Limit Excerpt in Velocity Engine
Images with special Charachters in URL not loading
{{link}} meta is not working on slide Tags & Links in Post Based Sliders
HTML5 Volume set >1 stops the Module with JS error