[ Theme changelog ] Check WHMCS updates\update patch from whmcs 8.11 to 8.12\shufytheme folder
[ orderform changelog ] Check WHMCS updates\update patch from whmcs 8.11 to 8.12\orderforms\shyfytheme_cart folder
[ IMPROVE ] UI & UX Enhancements of services renewal page (File updated: templates/orderforms/shufytheme_cart/service-renewal-item.tpl, templates/orderforms/shufytheme_cart/service-renewals.tpl, templates/orderforms/shufytheme_cart/ordersummary.tpl)
[ IMPROVE ] UI & UX Enhancements of Client area homepage and renew service section (File updated: clientareahome.tpl)
[ IMPROVE ] UI & UX Enhancements of Accept invite page (File updated: user-invite-accept.tpl)
[ CUSTOMIZABLE FEATURES ] Add a custom image to register and login sidebars
[ CUSTOMIZABLE FEATURES ] Add your banners in place of the Market Connect banner
[ CUSTOMIZABLE FEATURES ] Custom website loader
[ CUSTOMIZABLE FEATURES ] Random name and password to configure server and hide ns1 and ns2
[ FIX ] horizontal sidebar issue when the collapsed sidebar is not active (File updated: header.tpl)
[ FIX ] tooltips for minimalist sidebar when collapsed by default (File updated: header.tpl)
[ FIX ] WHMCS 8.11 Sign-In integrations issue (Folder updated: oauth)
[ FIX ] Knowledge article print view issues
[ FIX ] Announcement article page print view issues
[ FIX ] MarketConnect slider translation issues (Files updated: promo-slider-banner-nav.tpl, promo-slider-banner.tpl)
[ FIX ] CAPTCHA issue in the checkout (File updated: hook.php)
[ FIX ] terms of service URL in the email subscription section
[ FIX ] The color scheme issue in dark mode
[ FIX ] dark mode JavaScript code in footer.tpl file
[ FIX ] support ticket list page translation (File updated: supportticketslist.php)
[ FIX ] The Item dropdown in the product details page
[ FIX ] the error messages on login and register pages with social login active (File updated: footer.tpl)
[ FIX ] OAuth Login Pages issues (Folder updated: oauth)
[ FIX ] The account Security Links in the client area homepage and account sidebar
[ FIX ] The service numbers displayed in the footer (File updated: hook.php)
[ ADD ] Dark mode styles to the Shufytheme main theme
[ ADD ] Dark mode styles to the Shufytheme order form template
[ ADD ] Dark mode setting to the Shufytheme admin panel
[ FIX ] Announcement date issue on the login and register page
[ FIX ] Page change issue when changing the currency in the cart
[ FIX ] <ol> and <ul> styling in Knowledgebase and Announcements
[ FIX ] Badge & Alerts color issue in the admin panel
[ FIX ] Currency without prefix issue
[ ADD ] Shufytheme add-on now supports PHP 8.2 and IonCube 13
[ FIX ] header issue in the mobile version when using a big icon horizontal sidebar
[ FIX ] View cart link in domain configuration pages
[ FIX ] Switch accounts bug
[ IMPROVE ] UI & UX of domain configuration pages
[ UPDATE ] The main theme to WHMCS 8.11
[ UPDATE ] The child theme to WHMCS 8.11
[ UPDATE ] The order form template to WHMCS 8.11
[ IMPROVE ] Theme accessibility
[ IMPROVE ] Theme load speed and performance
[ FIX ] support ticket custom field issue
[ FIX ] order form template checkout radios when PayPal is enabled
[ FIX ] $0 value issue on the products page
[ FIX ] homepage link in client registration page
[ FIX ] mobile sub-menu issue for the separated sidebar layout
[ UPDATE ] Documentation for product description
[ UPDATE ] Documentation for uploading ShufyTheme addon
[ UPDATE ] Documentation on Footer menu manager configuration
[ UPDATE ] Documentation on how to edit domain registration and transfer front elements
[ IMPROVE ] The UI of the quotes page
[ IMPROVE ] The UI of view quote page
[ IMPROVE ] The plan's pricing on product page
[ IMPROVE ] The UI of support départements page
[ IMPROVE ] Shufytheme child gets optimized
[ ADD ] Currency selector
[ FIX ] The yellow dot on the product page when using a single price
[ FIX ] Register lock button on the domain details page
[ FIX ] The sidebar colors customization issue
[ FIX ] The typos errors in the theme
[ FIX ] Smooth scrolling button on the Nord VPN page
Theme & order form Changelog: shufytheme folder, shufytheme-child folder, shyfytheme_cart folder
Shufytheme addon Changelog: modules/addons/shufyTheme/views/styleoptions.tpl, modules/addons/shufyTheme/views/header.tpl
[ IMPROVE ] Make the logo more responsive to the custom widths and heights
[ IMPROVE ] Improve the UI for social accounts buttons in login & register pages
[ IMPROVE ] Improve client area homepage affiliate program box
[ IMPROVE ] Newsletters form gets improved and issues solved also add 2 protection layers for spammers and bots
[ ADD ] Add dynamic highlighted TLDs on the homepage
[ ADD ] Add domain categories to the domain pricing list in the domain register & transfer pages
[ ADD ] Add pagination to the domain list domain register & Transfer pages
[ FIX ] Fix the HTML announcements issue on the homepage
[ FIX ] Solve HTML announcements issue in the login and register sidebar
[ FIX ] clients area homepage links (dynamic links)
[ FIX ] update user information sidebar links (dynamic links)
[ FIX ] Fixing the last slide issue in the Homepage slider16/07 20224
[ FIX] Image and checkbox reCAPTCHA issues on domain register and transfer pages