Shofy - eCommerce & Multivendor Marketplace Laravel Platform

Nulled Shofy - eCommerce & Multivendor Marketplace Laravel Platform 1.1.6 Nulled

No permission to download
Author Zechariah
Creation date
Fix date format in blog post schema snippet.
Fix watermark size, image was being scaled.
Fix table sort icon: wrong direction.
Fix ad image not cached. Change to use real image path
Fix barcode validation issue when importing products
Fix slider background color not working in style 3 & 4
Fix grid/list button doesn’t work in category page
Fix cart/wishlist count in header 5
Fix bug shipping options are not shown
Fix bug can’t store footprints data when accessing from Facebook ad
Fix shipping label issue with Bangladeshi and Chinese language
Improve table quick search input: add clear button.
Improve blog layout, change to full width when it has no sidebar widgets
Improve email template for digital products
Change minimum zip code length validation to 4
Add cache for menu items to make it loads faster.
Add Facebook Pixel integration
Add more setting for media: Add option to enable `Use path style endpoint?` for S3, Digital Ocean Spaces.
Add missing values for product variations
Add theme option to hide review when it has no reviews yet.
Add cache for categories dropdown
Add option to change number of products per row
Add minimum order quantity for products in vendor dashboard
Add option to disable vendor messaging system
- Fix bug can't generate thumbnails when using Amazon S3, Cloudflare R2, etc
- Fix small issues on front theme UI
- Fix dark mode in roles & permissions page
- Fix download posts example CSV/Excel
- Fix bug shipping options are not shown in checkout page
- Fix bug can't update customer email when creating order
- Fix PayPal refund in different currency
- Fix product description validation
- Add coming soon page
- Add h1 tag to product category, brand, product tag page
- Add email notification to admin when customer upload payment proof
- Add shipping label template setting
- Add sharing and copy indirect link for media files
- Add plugin filter by status in plugins listing page
- Add KES to supported currencies list by Paystack
- Update translation plugin: allows importing translations from CSV/Excel
- Update Google Fonts list
- Improve performance
- Improve email templates
- Improve media generate thumbnails
- Improve performance & front theme UI
- Add option to print shipping label
- Add option to disable product cross sales & related products
- Add more setting instructions for ecommerce settings
- Add option to quick update product prices and quantity
- Add minimum/maximum order amount option
- Display customer wishlist in the admin panel
- Add option to upload/modify robots.txt file
- Add setting in Settings -> Marketplace to enable/disable vendor to delete orders
- Add theme options to customize theme header background & text color
- Add theme options to customize font size for the theme
- Add Google Tag Manager integration: send events to GTM (add to cart, purchase, etc.)
- Add option to upload/modify robots.txt file
- Add captcha option for customer login/register/forgot password form
- Load product categories and cart panel using ajax for better performance
- Improve order return process: add return reason
- Improve UI store detail page
- Improve header announcement bar on mobile devices
- Improve product review creation: allow to enter customer name & email manually
- Improve Ads: allow to use Google Adsense
- Fix store cover image
- Fix wishlist page & counter
- Fix bug lazy load image in quick ajax search
- Fix pagination UI issue
- Fix cannot click on search button
- Fix bug can't open quick view/quick shop in some UI blocks
no change log for this version
- Fix small issues on front theme UI
- Improve performance
no change log for this version
no change log for this version
Free Theme Installation – If you will face any problem during installation – we will help you and It’s FREE
Bootstrap 5.x Framework: Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web.
Based on our Botble CMS (using modern Laravel framework) which using by thousand customers.
Full eCommerce features.
Support many payment methods: PayPal, Stripe, Paystack, Razorpay, Mollie, SSLCommerz…
5 different homepages to give you the best selections in customization.
Touch Friendly: Easy browsing on touch devices.
100% Fully Responsive: Whatever you are using the device, your site will run as it should be.
Powerful admin panel, all things can be changed from the admin panel, no hard-code.
Nice and clean design from our designer expert.
Easy to install with UI – Video tutorial.
Multi-language: unlimited languages support.
Google Analytics: display analytics data in admin panel.
Translation tool: easy to translate front theme and admin panel to your language.
Child theme support: easy to customize our theme by adding a child theme and override it.
Right To Left (RTL) language support.
Typography Settings
Dynamic Color Compatible
Fast support: we always reply your ticket within 1 business day.