RnB - WooCommerce Booking & Rental Plugin

RnB - WooCommerce Booking & Rental Plugin 17.0.3

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no change log for this version
- Fixed fox currency compatibility issue [Bug Fixing]
no change log for this version
no change log for this version
- Fixed pickup or return on holiday issue [tweaking]
- Add new action and filter hooks [tweaking]
- Musk license key on input field [Tweaking]
- Added Fox Multi-currency plugin support [New Feature]
- Code refactored [tweaking]
- Added license verification
- Added RFQ total price 0 issues [Bug fixing]
- Fixed RFQ add to cart issue [Bug fixing]
- File Restructured [Tweaking]
- Fixed Uncaught TypeError: DatePeriod [bug fixing]
- Fixed Required parameter $item_id follows optional parameter $min warning [bug fixing]
- Fixed discount issue for marginal days
- Fixed custom blocked date issue
- Fixed unwanted data in RFQ mail issue
- Added new hooks to make it compatible with seasonal pricing add-ons
- Fixed compatible issue with rnb extra product options plugin.
- New filter and action hooks added