Rhye – AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme

Rhye – AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme 4.0.2 Nulled

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fixed: conflicts with 3rd-party plugins related to automatic updates mechanism
improved: added proper [fetchpriority] attribute to the masthead featured backgrounds for better LCP
added: WP filters "arts/elementor/dynamic_widgets/queried_posts" and "arts/elementor/{$widget_class_name}/queried_posts" to modify output of the dynamic widgets<br>improved: automatically activate "Container" feature on old Elementor versions during onboarding
fixed: incorrect rendering of colors and typography since Elementor 3.26.x
fixed: gradient controls stopped to output their styles on frontend since Elementor 3.26.x
fixed: missing default values for responsive controls in widgets since Elementor 3.26.x
fixed: color for the cursor text was set incorrectly when Elementor color preset is selected for "Lightbox Video" and "Circle Button" widgets
fixed: collapsing width of "Parallax Background" widget when using inside Elementor containers without explicitly set width
fixed: incorrect easing of anchor scrolling links when smooth scrolling feature is disabled
fixed: incorrect appearance of "Albums Mouse Hover Reveal" widget
fixed: missing [aria-label] attribute for Social Icons widget
fixed: footer got cut off in admin panel when smooth scrolling feature is active
fixed: remove non-existent inline editing attributes in theme Elementor widgets
fixed: "Scroll Down" circle button appeared cut off on mobiles on single posts
fixed: incorrect icon color and height in "Feature" widget when "Inline Font Icons" feature is active
added: all theme pages are now bundled to the download package as Elementor templates (*.json)
added: fluid spacing presets for Elementor containers
added: widgets compatibility with "Element Caching" feature
added: widgets compatibility with "Optimized Markup" feature
improved: automatically close overlay menu when switching to display classic menu on window resize
improved: dropped support for Elementor versions 3.7.6 and below by removing `arts_elementor_should_selectors_have_responsive_prefixes()` helper function
improved: better appearance of PSWP gallery with WP admin bar
improved: always show wizard setup in menu of admin panel
improved: license activation notice is now dismissable
fixed: incorrect appearance of SVG icons after the initial demo import
fixed: PHP notice related to non-existant option "hicpo_options" during theme onboarding
added: new "Theme License" page in admin panel under "Appearance" menu group
added: automatic theme & core plugin updates for license holders who activated their purchase code on "Theme License" page
added: optional field to enter the theme purchase code during onboarding
added: readme.txt file and "Tested up to" tags as required by Envato Theme Check
added: automatic updates for ACF Pro plugin for users with activated theme license
improved: adjusted API endpoint for plugin updater
improved: changed URLs for downloading bundled plugins and demo files
improved: removed Envato Market from the set of recommended theme plugins
improved: move function for registering extra mimes and file types from theme to core plugin as required by Envato Theme Check
improved: reduced size of covers for both parent & child themes
improved: remove unused favicon assets from the theme folder
fixed: AJAX transitions stopped working in the latest Google Chrome
no change log for this version
fixed: WP_Query didn't reset correctly in get_post_looped() function
fixed: custom fonts didn't render "regular" weight in Customizer in some cases
improved: updated bundled ACF Pro to the latest version 6.3.3
fixed: video background placed in "Content Block" widget didn't appear in full size