Redis Cache Pro / Object Cache Pro

Redis Cache Pro / Object Cache Pro 1.23.0 Nulled

No permission to download
- Added server type in diagnostics
- Added health checks for `KEEPTTL` requirements (Redis 6.0; PhpRedis 5.3)
### Added
- Added `full` option for `group_flush` configuration option

### Changed
- Switch `group_flush` default value to `scan`
- Swap all `error_log()` call for internal `log()` helper
- Log all messages when `debug` mode is enabled
- Improve performance of analytics API requests

### Fixed
- Fixed rare `TypeError` in `Diagnostics::redisVersion()`
- Fixed scheme detection for `wp redis cli` command
- Fixed inverted multi/pipeline modes
- Fixed OpenTelemetry tracer integration
- Avoid cloning connection when computing metrics

### Removed
- Removed deprecated `$RedisCachePro` global
- Allow more cache key separators in Relay prefix health check
- Support setting `strict` mode using `OBJECTCACHE_STRICT` environment variable
- Added Redis cluster support when using Relay
- Added `ErrorLogContextLogger` for easier debugging
- Fixed plugin version string
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- Log exception message when cache reset fails
- Don't run filesystem health check if `DISALLOW_FILE_MODS` is `true`
- Changed filesystem test file name from `.object-cache-test.tmp` to `object-cache.tmp`
### Added
- Added cache integrity protection
- Added analytics charts to dashboard widget
- Added `objectcache_widget_metrics` filter
- Added `wp redis reset` command
- Added support for `OBJECTCACHE_OVERRIDE` and `OBJECTCACHE_MERGE` constants
- Added support for PhpRedis v6.0
- Added `analytics.sample_rate` configuration option

### Changed
- Reduce default `retries` from `5` to `3`
- Refresh nonce using `X-WP-Nonce` header
- Expose Relay license issues in Dashboard widget
- Refactored various flush mechanisms
- Expanded `ObjectCache::withoutMutations()` callback type from `Closure` to `callable`
- Delete `objectcache_*` site options when uninstalling
- Improved license API error handling

### Fixed
- Fixed failover when using Redis Sentinel
- Bump `plugins_api` priority to prevent plugins from hijacking responses
- Mute rare `undefined array key` notice in `flushBacktraceSummary()`

### Removed
- Removed `split_the_query` filter in favor of native WordPress 6.4 behavior
- Removed deprecated `rediscache_*` filters
- Removed deprecated `ObjectCache::flushMemory()` method
- Removed `objectcache_analytics_retention` filter
- Removed `--async` option from `wp redis flush`
### Added
- Added `strict` configuration option
- Added group flush log widget
- Added link to settings to dashboard widget
- Added Relay memory health check
- Added support for `OBJECTCACHE_PREFER_RELAY` environment variable
- Added support for `path` and `socket` configuration options
- Added support for `redis-error.php` template
- Added `objectcache_cleanup_transients` filter
- Added `--skip-transients` option to `wp redis enable`
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Reactions: chadtodd
### Added
- Added Query Monitor constants to panel

### Changed
- Renamed `ms-cache-median` to `ms-cache-avg`

### Fixed
- Discard transactions if they fail
- Prevent REST API responses from being cached
- Fixed measuring analytics writes
- Fixed `storeWaitAverage` calculation
- Fixed supported Redis version indicator when using Relay