- Short Description
- Download and Discuss Premium, BusinessProduct Availability Check by Zipcode 1.0.8 version on NullPro - Webmaster Tools Download Community. From Product Availability Check by Zipcode have 463 Views.
- Prestashop Product Availability Check by Zipcode addon allows the customers to check the availability of the products in any particular area just by entering the zip code.
- The admin can map zones with zip codes and products by uploading CSV file and manually as well.
- Prestashop Check by Zipcode allows admin can show/hide the estimated delivery date that will be shown after entering the zip code.
- The Prestashop module offers the admin to restrict the availability of the products for any particular zip code.
- The Prestashop extension adds a block on the product pages to let the customers enter a zip code and check the shipping availability of the product in that particular region.
- Prestashop product zipcode validator map zones with Zip-codes by uploading CSV File.
- Prestashop zipcode addon map zones with the Products by uploading CSV File.
- The Prestashop zipcode module has an option to show/hide the estimated delivery date with the success message.
- This Prestashop extension has the option to add Custom CSS and JS codes to customize the look and feel of the box.
- With Prestashop Availability check by zipcode, the admin can restrict the shipping availability for particular zip-codes.
- The Prestashop availability check by zipcode offers the admin to add any number of custom zones and then add the zip codes to those zones.
- The admin can create separate zones for available and unavailable zip codes.
- Prestashop Product Availability Check by Zipcode module provides an option to disable product availability check for specific products as per his needs.
- The autofill feature of Prestashop Product Availability addon automatically fills the zipcode field for the user and checks product availability for every product you visit on the store.
- This Prestashop plugin is easy to Install and configure.
- Prestashop product zipcode validator is SSL compatible.
- Prestashop Product Availability addon is multi store Compatible.
- Compatible with all the Prestashop themes.
- Provides multi-language compatibility.