Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme

Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme 7.4.4 Nulled

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+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce version 9.2
- Updated: Slider Revolution plugin to version 6.7.18
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency plugin when the WPML plugin is not installed
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Wholesale For WooCommerce plugin
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Free Downloads for WooCommerce plugin
- Fixed: Rendering issues with the Elementor premium minicart template
- Fixed: WPML compatibility issues in rendering portfolios, members, and events pages
- Fixed: The time display in the product sale timer when sale end times are identical across all variations on the variable product page
- Fixed: Issues with custom fonts and dynamic content-related styles not loading properly in Porto Elementor Blocks
- Fixed: Incorrect time display on initial view in the Porto Countdown Timer element when utilizing different time zones
- Fixed: Functionality of the Porto Divider Elementor widget in the Footer Builder
- Fixed: Instances of the WooCommerce sidebar not rendering on Product Tag pages
- Fixed: ACF fields are not displayed in dynamic tags for pages built with Porto Template builders
- Fixed: Term's ACF fields are not rendering properly on the frontend
- Dev: The porto_multi_lang_post_id function to accurately retrieve the appropriate page ID when using multi-language plugins
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.2-beta1
- Updated: Enhanced the Porto products filter element to display the price symbol consistently within price steps
- Updated: Improved compatibility with the WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin in the Porto products filter element
- Updated: Removed VisualComposer plugin in the recommended plugins list of Porto Setup Wizard
- Fixed: Resolved a PHP error in the Porto products filter element when products are priced below 1
- Fixed: Addressed style issues with the RGBA color picker's alpha attribute input box in both WPBakery Backend and Frontend editors
- Fixed: Corrected the persistence of WooCommerce block styles after enabling the "Disable WooCommerce Gutenberg Blocks & YITH Blocks" option in the Porto speed optimization wizard
- Fixed: Made the Tel Input type style editable in the WPBakery Porto Contact Form element
- Fixed: Rectified the positioning issue of the Porto icon element when utilized in the header builder
- Fixed: Adjusted the style of the "Order Again" button on the My Account -> Orders page
- Fixed: Resolved the positioning issue of the Wishlist Offcanvas popup
+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery 7.8
- Updated: WPBakery Page Builder plugin to version 7.8
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the Popup Maker plugin in the Type Builder widget
- Fixed: Porto templates builder widgets not loading after accessing "Site Settings" in the Elementor page editor
- Fixed: Various WPML compatibility issues in page meta boxes
- Fixed: PHP issues arising when salt keys do not exist
- Fixed: "Load More" button malfunctioning on shop pages after filtering products via AJAX
- Fixed: Z-index conflicts on the shop page when using "Wishlist Offcanvas" alongside the "Filter Toggle Sticky Bar"
- Fixed: RTL style inconsistencies in the "Wishlist Offcanvas"
- Fixed: Image gallery types not loading correctly on single product builder pages
- Fixed: Minor PHP warnings
- Fixed: Product limit issues with Porto products shortcodes when an empty value is provided
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.1.x
+ Added: Compatibility with the WooCommerce Variation Swatches premium plugin
+ Added: A new theme option under "Porto -> Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Product Image & Zoom -> Thumbnails Image Width" to update the thumbnails image width in the single product page
- Updated: Revolution Slider plugin to version 6.7.15
- Updated: The default count to be set with the correct value for the "shop products count" element in shop pages built with the shop builder
- Updated: The "shop_single", "shop_catalog" and "shop_thumbnail" image sizes to the WooCommerce default image sizes
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the latest version of the Yith WooCommerce Wishlist plugin
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the latest version of the Yith WooCommerce Compare plugin
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with the latest version of the YITH WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity Premium plugin
- Fixed: Remaining value calculation error on the free shipping progress bar
- Fixed: An issue where full-sized images were used for thumbnails on the single product page
- Fixed: An issue where the menu arrow icon was not clickable on the sidebar menu on tablet devices
- Fixed: Minor CSS issues when showing flags
- Fixed: WPBakery edit popup save button's JS error on click after first load
- Fixed: minor php warnings in Porto functionality plugin
+ Added: Compatibility with WPBakery Page Builder 7.7
- Updated: Revolution slider plugin to 6.7.13
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with WooCommerce germanized plugin
- Fixed: Style issue in Checkout page type 2
- Fixed: PHP error when changing page title tag in Theme Options
- Fixed: Infinite loading when a cache plugin is installed, and the cart is empty
- Fixed: Addressed minor PHP warnings
- Fixed: Variation form now working correctly on single product pages when skeleton screen is enabled
- Fixed: Add to cart functionality not working on shop pages when using "span" instead of "a" tag on add to cart button
- Fixed: Resolved minor text translation issues
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with Pre-order and Instant Buy Now feature
- Fixed: PHP error in style-internal.php
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.0.0-rc1
- Fixed: Merge css feature not working with Porto Elementor templates builders
- Fixed: get_metadata db errors when using Full Site Editing mode
- Fixed: "Sticky Add To Cart" widget's position issue when using two same widgets in the single product builder
- Fixed: minor php deprecated issues
- Fixed: minor php warnings in style.php
- Dev: Added the "porto_elementor_load_builder_widgets" filter to check the registration of builder widgets
+ Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce 9.0.0-beta.2
+ Added: Option under Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Single Product -> Product Tab to collapse the "Description" accordion tab on mobile
- Updated: Post type builder's featured image gutenberg block to display pwb brand image
- Updated: Revolution slider plugin to 6.7.12
- Fixed: Merge CSS feature not working when in Porto Elementor templates builders
- Fixed: Visibility issue of add to cart button when using catalog mode in single product page
- Fixed: Porto functionality plugin's independency issues with Porto Theme
- Fixed: External Image URL not working in a porto info box Elementor widget
- Fixed: WPML compatibility issues
- Fixed: Minor php warnings in style.php and style-editor.php
- Fixed: Compatibility issue with German Market plugin
- Fixed: z-index issue in shop page when using "mini cart offcanvas" and "filter toggle sticky bar" together
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter plugin
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium plugin
- Fixed: JS error in empty shop pages when using the products infinite scroll
- Fixed: Catalog mode options not working on product quick view
- Dev: Added "$is_mobile" parameter to "porto_search_form_content" filter
- Dev: Added "$columns_tablet" parameter to "porto_grid_column_arr" and "porto_grid_column_class" filters
- Updated: revolution slider plugin to 6.7.11
- Fixed: swatches not working correctly for variable products which has many variations
- Fixed: product image not changing when clicking swatches on shop pages
- Fixed: Rev slider not importing in Porto studio
- Dev: added "porto_swatches_image_size" filter to update the image size of the swatches
+ Added: Latest Slider Revolution 6.7.10
- Fixed: Issue which subcategories of search form aren't displayed correctly
- Updated: Language Files