PixelYourSite PRO - Best Powerful WordPress Plugin for FaceBook

PixelYourSite PRO - Best Powerful WordPress Plugin for FaceBook 11.2.3 Nulled

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New Meta settings allow you to disable event parameters that can track Protected Health Information (PHI). Recommended for websites with medical content.
New event triggers: WooCommerce add to cart, WooCommerce purchase. These triggers let you configure CUSTOM events that can replace end-of-the-funnel standard events like AddToCart or Purchase. Meta might not allow websites with MEDICAL content to use standard events, but custom events are still permitted.
Small code changes to ensure that Google tags installed by third-party solutions are in no way affected by the plugin when no Google tag ID is present in the settings.
New options allow control of how tracking works for subdomains-domain environments (our native landing page, traffic source, and UTMs tracking).
A new event that tracks 404 errors – Google Analytics (default ON) and GTM (default OFF).
Fixing issues related to GTM script controls.
Improvements related to the plugin updating process.
Security enhancements.
New events trigger that allows you to fire events on the homepage easily.
WooCommerce Client export for Google. You can use it when configuring new customer acquisition ads.
Code improvements for the WooCommerce events tracking lifetime value or the total number of purchases.
Fixing a possible issue affecting WooComemrce subscriptions.
Fixing a possible conflict with Elementor Pro.
New options related to our native Google Tags data layer are available on the Google Tags Settings page. You can choose between our default names (dataLayerPYS – RECOMMENDED), the usual name, dataLayer (it can create conflicts when using our native tags along our GTM integration), or a custom name. These options are useful if there are conflicts between our names and the names declared by external scripts.
Support for the new_customer parameter for our native Google Tags and GTM – WooCommerce and EDD Purchase events. This parameter is used by Google Ads New Customer campaigns.
“Send just the data layer” option for our GTM integration.
WooCommerce and EDD item prices will follow the settings configured under Value Options about taxes (include, exclude).
WooCommerce and EDD events values updated: value options will now affect all the tags. We recommend sending value to Purchase events, but value is also supported for product events, cart events, and checkout events.
ON/OFF options for each tag added on the main page. We removed almost similar options from the tags settings pages.
New options for GTM custom events: add automated parameters in the data layer, remove the customTrigger object, use a custom name for the custom parameters object.
Fixing a small bug related to the GTM object name used to track custom event parameters.
  • A new GTM configuration download file will set up a GTM container with variables tracking all our parameters and triggers tracking all our events. Version 1.0 of the file will also configure GA4 tags.
  • Changes to the GTM data layer variable name to avoid possible conflicts.
  • New GTM data layer structure that will make it easier to track our data.
  • Fixing a possible conflict with WPRocket that resulted in the plugin being disabled on pages created with the cache pre-load feature.
  • A new option that lets you remove bots from the disallow list using their user-name.
  • Now you can disable bot blocking functionality if it creates problems.