PixelYourSite PRO - Best Powerful WordPress Plugin for FaceBook

PixelYourSite PRO - Best Powerful WordPress Plugin for FaceBook 11.2.3 Nulled

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  • Fix for a possible error in the code.
  • Declaring compatibility with WooCommerce 9.7.
  • Fixing possible issues with the event fired when WooCommerce variations are selected.
  • Changing the way UTMs are saved, we are now giving priority to sessions instead of cookies.
Code changes to avoid errors when incompatible versions of Pinterest or Bing add-ons are used.
Code changes to avoid errors when incompatible versions of Pinterest or Bing add-ons are used.
  • Fixing a possible issue with the LDU filter logic.
  • Events conditions: extra options for configuring events, giving you more flexibility for tracking key actions.
  • Support for Meta Limited Data Use via a dedicated filter. ConsentMagic will use it to implement a special LDU rule targeting US states that support for LDU.
  • Optimizing the code and images in order to make the plugin’s UI work faster.
  • Fixing various issues and code improvements.
Fixing various potential issues.
Fixing a possible problem with Easy Digital Downloads and Stripe.
Fixing some small possible issues.