1. Improve Categories Management
Now, when you setup a category, you can add important settings (PayPal Email, Tax Rate, PayPal Email, Notification Emails...) and Messages (Admin Email Subject, Admin Email Body, User Email Subject, User Email Body, Reminder Email Messages....) and these settings will be used for all events belong to that category. It allows you to override global settings/messages for all events from a category if it is needed (without having to enter these settings for individual events)
2. Improve Tax Rules Management
Now, when you add a tax rule, you can choose a category for that tax rule. When you choose a category for the rule, the tax rate entered for that rule will be used for all events belong to that category. That allows you to setup tax rate much quicker in case you have events from different categories with different tax rate (instead of having to setup different tax rule, each rule for each event, you just need to setup tax rule for each category)
3. Improve Frontend Event Submission
Added new settings to allow show/hide more fields on frontend event submission form:
- Show Members Discount Apply For
- Show Enable Waiting List
- Show Collect Members Information In Group Registration
- Show Prevent Duplicate Registration
Also, allow using media manager to select event image (like in the backend) instead of having to upload image if the user has permission to access to media manager.
4. Improve User Registration Integration
Allows you to control User Registration Integration inside each event (use Global setting from Configuration by default). That mean you can turn on/off user registration for individual event if needed.
5. Improve Registrants Management
- Group related buttons into Dropdown buttons to save safe (Joomla 4)
- Allow searching for registrants base on Registration Date or Event Date on date filter on Registrants Management screen
- Add Apply button to frontend edit event screen
6. Improve Registration History
Display link to allow users who use offline payment for their registration to make payment for their registration (in case they change their mind and want to make online payment using PayPal for example for their registration)
7. Improve Ticket Types Plugin
Allows you to setup ticket types with zero weight (does not used for calculation total number registrants for the registration) if needed (by default, Weight for each ticket type is 1)
8. Improve Shopping Cart
Added a new config option called Enable Link To Event Details From Cart to allow disable link to event details from shopping cart if needed
9. Bugs Fixes
1. Support Input Mask
Events Booking is now integrated with Input Mask library from imask.js.org to allow you to define input mask for each custom field to force users to enter data in the format you want. You can use Regex or Pattern to define input mask for your custom fields.
2. Allow adding intro text for some menu items
For frontend events management, registrants management and locations management, you can now add Intro Text in menu item parameter if needed. If intro text is added, it will be displayed at the top of these management page. It could be used to give instructions for users who managing these data from frontend of your site.
3. Handle Page heading settings properly
- Show/Hide page heading on pages depend on Show Page Heading parameter from menu item.
- Handle Use Global option for Show Page Heading properly.
- If Page Heading is defined in the menu item, use that heading text instead of our own language item (menu item takes higher priority)
4. Added Simple Multilingual option
If you are having a multilingual website with too many languages, you could get row size too large error while using Events Booking due to the way the extension is designed to store multilingual data for categories, events. To address this issue, we added a new config option Activate Simple Multilingual. Set this to Yes will address this issue
5. Anti-Spam Solution
- Integrate Honeypot solution to prevent spam bots from registering for events.
- Two other optional settings Minimum Form Time (in Seconds) and Maximum Form Submissions Per Session to prevent registration processed too fast or too much registrations in a short time (by spam) which can be used to prevent spams further if needed.
6. Payment Plugins Added/Updated
- Added EB Squareup Card payment plugin with better UI, support 3D Secure and Compatible with SCA requirement. If you are using EB Squareup payment plugin, we recommend you to migrate to use this new payment plugin instead to avoid payment is declined.
- Updated EB Mollie payment plugin to allow setup separate API Key for sandbox and Live Mode
- Updated EB Stripe Checkout payment plugin to use latest Stripe API
- Updated EB RedSys payment plugin to fix a bug when Allowed Payment Type set to Todos
6. Some small bugs fixes/improvements
- Store and Display Cancel Date for cancelled registrations
- Set Event Owner properly when event is created using Save As Copy
- Fix fields missing in confirmation emails (when Access of fields are not Public and registrants use PayPal payment gateway to process payment)
2. Improve Ticket Types Plugin
Added a new setting called Only Allow Registering For One Ticket Type . In case you don't want users to register for more than one ticket type from that event, you can set this setting inside event to Yes.
3. Support Batch SMS
If you use SMS feature in the extension, you can now use Batch SMS to to send SMS message to selected registrants from Registrants Management screen.
4. Added Easy View Module
This module allows you to display any views in Events Booking in a module position, same with EB View Module, but much simpler to configure, see Easy View Module for detailed documentation. This will be used to replace EB View Module, so EB View Module won't be available for new installations. For exiting installations/sites, EB View Module will still work as how it is.
5. Added Events Booking - Advanced Events Slider module
This module will replace the original Events Booking - Events Slider module. It has better, easier to maintain style, and also works better with responsive compare to Events Booking - Events Slider module. Same as EB View Module, Events Booking - Events Slider won't be available for new Events Booking installation, for existing websites which are using the module, it will still work as how it is
6. jQuery to Vanilla JS conversion
In this version, I tried to convert as much javascript code which is using jQuery library to plain/vanilla JS as possible. This will improve frontend performance (especially for Joomla 4 when jQuery is not loaded by default anymore). There are still some part in the extension (which uses form validation library - requires jQuery) has not been converted yet. I will continue the effort in the future
7. Bugs Fixes
- Fix EU Tax Rules Calculation
- Allow displaying images contains space on filename (on Joomla 4)
- Fixed wrong currency code on Google Structured Data plugin
- Fixed wrong payment processing fee calculation for event without deposit payment enabled.
1. Improvements
- Allow setting up Reply To Email for each event.
- Add config option to allow showing Transaction ID on Registration History
- Add parameter to allow hiding Today button on Full Calendar menu item type.
- Hide event time of events on Full Calendar for All Day event (events with Time set to 0:00)
- Allow developer to add new custom field type to Events Booking.
- Improve add/edit event form: Showing config option value for Use Global options.
2. Bugs Fixes
- Full Calendar show English Month Name on none English language.
- Registration not possible for parent event on event details page
- Fix fatal error when [QRCODE] tag is used on a site with long domain (exceed number characters limit)
- Fix fatal error when export event with too long Description (more than 32667 characters)
- Fix common language items not being displayed properly on some cases.