MartFury - Multivendor / Marketplace Laravel eCommerce System

Nulled MartFury - Multivendor / Marketplace Laravel eCommerce System 1.38.6 Nulled

No permission to download
Author newimage
Creation date
- Fix date format in blog post schema snippet.
- Fix watermark size, image was be scaled.
- Fix table sort icon: wrong direction.
- Fix ad image not cached. Change to use real image path
- Fix barcode validation issue when importing products
- Fix bug shipping options are not shown
- Fix bug can't store footprints data when accessing from Facebook ad
- Fix shipping label issue with Bangladeshi and Chinese language
- Improve table quick search input: add clear button.
- Improve email template for digital products
- Add cache for menu items to make it loads faster.
- Add Facebook Pixel integration
- Add more setting for media: Add option to enable `Use path style endpoint?` for S3, Digital Ocean Spaces.
- Add cache for categories dropdown
- Add missing values for product variations
- Add minimum order quantity for products in vendor dashboard
- Change minimum zip code length validation to 4
  • Fix small issues on front theme UI
  • Fix dark mode in roles & permissions page
  • Fix download posts example CSV/Excel
  • Fix bug shipping options are not shown in checkout page
  • Fix bug can’t update customer email when creating order
  • Fix PayPal refund in different currency
  • Fix product description validation
  • Add email notification to admin when customer upload payment proof
  • Add shipping label template setting
  • Add sharing and copy indirect link for media files
  • Add plugin filter by status in plugins listing page
  • Add KES to supported currencies list by Paystack
  • Update translation plugin: allows importing translations from CSV/Excel
  • Update Google Fonts list
  • Improve performance
  • Improve email templates
  • Improve media generate thumbnails
- Improve performance & front theme UI
- Add option to print shipping label
- Add option to disable product cross sales & related products
- Add more setting instructions for ecommerce settings
- Add option to quick update product prices and quantity
- Add minimum/maximum order amount option
- Display customer wishlist in the admin panel
- Add setting in Settings -> Marketplace to enable/disable vendor to delete orders
- Fix memory limit warning
- Fix duplicate language when installing using UI
- Fix duplicate editor field when using show/hide editor button
- Add search box for UI blocks
- Add Open Graph Image into SEO box
- Add option to upload/modify robots.txt file
- Add some new Google fonts to the list of fonts for theme
- Improve captcha: add option to enable captcha for admin login page
- Improve table: fix responsive table buttons
- Improve theme translations: add button to import missing theme translation texts
- Improve social login: add Facebook Data deletion request callback & improve default style
- Fix email rules when PHP extension intl is not enabled
- Add custom CSS/JS for admin panel
- Add webm into media allowed extensions
- Improve media system, compress images when uploading
- Improve admin panel UI
- Improve performance
- Improve RTL style
- Improve Shippo logging
- Display tax info at the checkout page and in invoice
- Support Chinese language in invoice
- Fix plugin Analytics when extension bcmath not enabled
- Fix media double click
- Fix responsive issue on the admin panel
- Fix currency exchange rate from API
- Fix missing product image in Stripe checkout page
- Fix order zero amount
- Add option to add review for product from the admin panel
- Add more company address info into invoice settings
- Add customer notes (private note) in the admin panel
- Add option to select product FAQs from FAQs page
- Add option to reply to customer review from the admin panel
- Add option to show coupon code in the checkout page
- Add option to disable flash sale
- Add option to select language when installing script with installer
- Add option to stop converting media file URL to friendly URL
- Add user preference to select default language, dark/light mode...
- Add option to set color for media folder
- Add option to stop indexing a page
- Improve Admin theme UI
- Improve translations from the admin panel, make it easier to use.
- Improve System updater, fix permission issues on some servers
- Improve email notification settings
  • Like
Reactions: adamadamov
- Improve UI
- Fix customer address & add more admin notifications
- Fix template import products
- Fix preview PDF file in admin panel
- Fix minimum order amount validation at the checkout page
- Allow guest checkout for digital products
- Fix issue with barcode column
- Add more admin notifications
- Fix UI for installer
- Allow tag in editor
- Fix issues when importing locations
- Add Google Analytics 4 support
- Fix issue when activate plugin Language from Admin panel
- Fix admin notification when create an order
- Update customer form in admin panel, allow managing customer addresses and show list payments
- Update maintenance mode view
- Add alt for image in Media
- Add option to disable installer
- Fix invoice template
- Fix get file size issue with Digital Ocean Spaces
- Add discount type with once per customer
- Fix dob field in customer profile
- Clear Google Fonts cache and validate font URL
- Validate shipping rule type & hide other shipping option when free shipping is present