Added: Automations are now generally available;
Added: new automation templates for WooCommerce marketing flows;
Added: Customer fields in automations now work also for guest users;
Improved: Optimize loading automation editor for large shops;
Improved: Consider tracking settings when adding utm_parameters into links;
Improved: new segment “purchased product by tag” introduced;
Fixed: filter details in automation template preview are not visible;
Fixed: Use less confusing language Segments vs Lists;
Fixed: Rare issue when a multi-column popup form was displayed in one column;
Fixed: background job runner may get stuck on an invalid email address;
Fixed: rendering of some special characters on Lists page
* Improved: new segment "purchased product by attribute" introduced;
* Improved: trigger filters are now alphabetically sorted;
* Fixed: Pop-Up forms did not appear on some product pages.
* Improvement: utm_source and utm_type parameters are added to links by default;
* Fixed: remove HTML tags in subjects derived from post titles.
* Improved: during import, "Update existing subscriber status" no longer requires "Update existing subscriber info" to be enabled;
* Fixed: error "EntityManager is Closed" during sending on MySQL 8;
* Fixed: error "new entity was found through the relationship" during email sending;
* Fixed: Some strings where not translateable;
* Fixed: errors when sending some emails;
* Fixed: automation listing trash and delete action UI behavior.
* Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 8.4;
* Improved: Made it obvious that list names may be visible to subscribers;
* Improved: Sending rules for big senders;
* Improved: AutomateWoo and MailPoet work now together in the Checkout-Block of WooCommerce;
* Fixed: A notice was not closeable;
* Fixed: In some instances sending seemed blocked by a SendingQueue error related to a NewsletterLinkEntity.
* Added: notices about new sender domain requirements;
* Added: support for DMARC record on sender domains;
* Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 8.3;
* Fixed: incorrect results for "was sent" segment;
* Fixed: incorrect "Sent on" time displayed on Email listing page;
* Fixed: error when activating an invalid automation;
* Fixed: emoji support in email body for DBs with utf8 encoding;
* Fixed: incorrect results when using "all of" condition for "purchased in category" segment.
* Added: MailPoet integration with WooCommerce Multi-Channel dashboard;
* Added: automation template detail with steps preview;
* Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 6.3;
* Fixed: Email editor text toolbox overlay when browser is zoomed in;
* Fixed: an error when searching stats for emails sent to large lists.
* Improved: warn users on PHP 7.4 about outdated PHP version;
* Improved: landing page layout;
* Improved: the Upgrade page is more concise;
* Fixed: deprecation warnings.