Mailpoet Premium

Mailpoet Premium 4.53.0 Nulled

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Improved: minor changes and fixes.
* Added: Automation templates for abandoned cart and first-time buyers;
* Added: option to filter Automations triggers based on subscriber, customer, or order properties;
* Updated: minimum required WooCommerce version to 7.6.0;
* Fixed: depreciation notice in PHP 8 (thank you Drivingralle);
* Fixed: exporting dynamic segments with custom fields.
Improved: minor changes and fixes.
* Improved: minor changes and fixes.
* Updated: minimum required WordPress version to 5.9
Added: update subscriber action in Automations.
* Fixed: occasional class not found error during plugin update.
Improved: minor changes and fixes.
* Added: add to and remove from a list actions in Automations;
* Added: add and remove tag actions in Automations.
* Improved: minor changes and fixes.