new ,but get 22 May package
Bug fix
  • Fixes the issue with missing absolute price and SKU policy values after extension update
Bug fix
Fixes the issue with hidden options after update to the previous version
  • - Dynamic options module code refactoring
  • - Fixes price calculation issues in case of using dynamic options, absolute price, special and tier prices simultaneously
  • - Fixes the issue with empty special price comment value when you assign product to a specific website
What's new
  • Improves compatibility with Mageworx Order Editor extension
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Reactions: cuneytaky
What's new
  • Adds the 'Hide option value price' feature to hide prices on product page

Bug fix
  • Fixes SQL error on product page in admin panel if product has no any options and developer mode is enabled
  • Additional minor bug fixes and improvements
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Reactions: cuneytaky
Bug fix
  • Performance improvements in option stock management functionality on frontend
  • Fixes removing of unused dependency data in DB in case of options/template removing
  • Fixes order processing issue in case of using a file type option
  • Fixes the '0' price issue in case of using text in text fields
  • Additional minor bug fixes
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Reactions: cuneytaky
Bug fix
  • Fixes the issue with option titles encoding
  • Fixes the issue with incorrect overlay order
  • Fixes the price formatting issue in case of using 'Manage stock' feature
  • Fixes js error on product page if it contains a custom option of a File type
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Reactions: cuneytaky
What's new
  • Adds support for PHP 8.2
  • Adds new functionality (as an additional module) to analyse and clean tables of Advanced Product Options extension from garbage data
Bug fix
  • Fixes swatch options js validation
  • Fixes product price calculation in case of using absolute price, dynamic options and option dependency simultaneously
  • Installation schema improvements
  • Code refactoring
  • Additional minor bug fixes
  • Fixes the issue with special prices import from Magento 1 to Magento 2
  • Fixes the issue with ‘AND’ logic processing in option dependency
  • Fixes the issue with return to stock and qty processing in case of refund
  • Additional minor bug fixes