JobSearch - WP Job Board WordPress Plugin

JobSearch - WP Job Board WordPress Plugin 2.5.1

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Author baumgartner
Creation date
Fixed: post id error fixed in resume export.
Fixed: miner styling issues
Updated: Language Files
Added New: User registration restrict with email spam domains option added.
Fixed: Minor styling issues.
Update Required: Critical Security Vulnerability
Update: Twitter Icon Replaced with X Mark
New Feature: Enhanced Registration Security Now you can block domains to prevent spam registrations egistered Settings.
Enhancements: Improved Styling Compatibility
Fixed: Assign Jobs Package Issue
Fixed: Assign Jobs Package with featured credits Issue
Fixed: Assign Employer download CV's Package Issue
Fixed: Assign All in one Package Issue
Fixed: Assign Single Featured Label On Job Issue
Fixed: Assign Candidate Job Apply Package Issue
Fixed: Assign Promote Profile Issue
Fixed: Assign Urgent Package Issue
Fixed: Assign Invites for Job Apply Issue
Fixed: Assign Candidate Profile Package Issue
Fixed: Assign Employer Profile Package Issue
Fixed: woocommerce product packages
Fixed: Job Application Deadline Date
Added New: Employer Dashboard -> Manage Jobs -> Filled Job (Popup as an Internal Option)
Added New: Employer Dashboard -> Manage Jobs -> Filled Job (Popup as an External Option)
Added New: Employer Dashboard -> Manage Jobs -> Filled Job (Popup as a Manual Option)
Fixed: Location country, state, city loading in register form
Fixed: Custom Fields -> Upload Field -> On Required for Job Apply Form
Fixed: Custom Fields -> Upload Field -> On Required for Candidate Register Form
Fixed: Custom Fields -> Upload Field -> On Required for Employer Register Form
Fixed: Translations issue relatead to special character %s
Fixed: Locations based jobs in listing Element/shortcode
Fixed: Packages candidate invite limit 30 issue
Fixed: Custom Fields -> Dependant Dropdown Field in detail page duplication issue
Fixed: Candidate Skills Keyboard comma (,) typing/entering hit like Enter Button issue
Fixed: Employer Dashboard -> manage jobs, the insta match candidate issue
Fixed: Custom Fields in candidate listings pagination
Fixed: Candidate Restriction in Employer Dashboard -> Recently Applicants
Fixed: Sign-in section strings/text be translated independently
Fixed: Employer Dashboard -> SUBSCRIPTION menu locked
Fixed: issue while Post a New Job
Fixed: Job detail page issue
Fixed: Employer Posted Jobs count in admin area
Fixed: Employer phone number changes
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Added New: ON | ON & Required | OFF for Jobsearch Options -> Employer Dashboard -> Team Members Experience
Added New: ON | ON & Required | OFF for Jobsearch Options -> Employer Dashboard -> Team Members Picture
Fixed: My Resume -> Skills
Fixed: Locations required in Post a job button disable
Fixed: Job Alerts
Fixed: Jobs Alerts On/Off for Popup Frequency Dropdown
Fixed: Unselect Pages, Privacy Policy, Term & Condition but still showing in employer detail contact form
Fixed: Unselect Pages, Privacy Policy, Term & Condition but still showing in candidate detail contact form
Fixed: Unselect Pages, Privacy Policy, Term & Condition but still showing in register form
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language
Fixed: Candidate Image Link in listing
Fixed: Employer Logo Link in listing
Updated: WP Jobsearch Plugin POT language