JetSearch - Elementor Experience the true power of search functionality

JetSearch - Elementor Experience the true power of search functionality

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* FIX: Sanitize and validate input data to prevent XSS in results-area;
* FIX: Bricks. Convert `symbols_for_start_searching` option to an integer in the Ajax Search widget;
* FIX: Filter out empty values in ajaxSendData before sending request in the Ajax Search widget;
* UPD: Compatibility with Elementor 3.26.
* ADD: 'X-WP-Nonce' header for REST API requests in Ajax Search widget;
* ADD: excluded the GallerySlider widget from initialization in JetSearch;
* UPD: Compatibility with Elementor 3.24;
* FIX: dynamic content handling in popups for listing templates in Ajax Search widget;
* FIX: SQL condition handling for Ajax Search widget.
FIX: Compatibility with JetSmartFilters 3.6.0.
* FIX: Bricks builder Listing templates styles;
* FIX: Issues with preview templates and options in the Blocks editor;
* FIX: Compatibility with Elementor 3.26;
* ADD: Added compatibility with Custom Meta Storage
* FIX: Minor issues.
* ADD: Add suggestions after selecting a post from the results area in AJAX search;
* FIX: Fix product variations appearing in search results when the product is hidden from search;
* FIX: TranslatePress compatibility;
* FIX: minor issues.
* ADD: The `jet-search/custom-url-handler/allow-merge-queries-post-types` filter;
* ADD: The `Request type` setting allows switching the search request type between REST API and AJAX;
* ADD: The `Maximum Word Length for Suggestion Item Titles` option allows trimming suggestion titles by a specified number of words;
* FIX: Resolved an issue where suggestions with special characters were duplicated;
* ADD: `jet-search/ajax-search/before-search-sources` hook;
* FIX: minor issues.
* FIX: security issue.
* ADD: [Crocoblock/suggestions#7640](;
* ADD: `jet-ajax-search/assets/localize-data/use-legacy-ajax` filter to determine whether to use the legacy AJAX method or REST API for search functionality.
* FIX: Better sanitize parameters before use in DB queries.