JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor

JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor 3.5.0

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ADD: Components Functionality;
ADD: Allow to store default post Meta Data in custom DB tables;
ADD: Query Builder: new query type - Merged Query;
ADD: Allow to store repeater sub fields as separate meta fields;
ADD: Layout Switcher module: stable release;
UPD: Minor fixes and improvements.
* ADD: Aability to set Query Builder preview query count;
* FIX: Bricks Builder. Dynamic User Data in Listing Grid;
* FIX: Bricks Builder. Generating dynamic styles for the Dynamic Calendar;
* FIX: Bricks Builder. Filters + Lazy Load and Custom Query in listing;
* FIX:;
* FIX: Not all Listing Items templates appear on the injection listing dropdown;
* FIX: Fatal error if no macro object;
* FIX: Data Store issue with Polylang;
* ADD: Query Builder. Add ability to query Form Records by IDs for JetFormBuilder Query type;
* FIX: Dynamic Calendar. Problem with displaying current month events;
* FIX: Bricks Builder. Problem with the Dynamic Image and infinite loop slider in the Listing Grid;
* FIX: Listing Grid. Injection by checkbox meta doesn't work;
* FIX: Listing Grid. Infinite Scroll duplicates items in Blocks Editor;
* FIX: Related data incorrectly get on the front-end in some cases;
* FIX: Dynamic Function fail on SQL with whitespaces after semi-colon;
* FiX: Permalink option with context for related items doesn't work in some cases.
* ADD: Ability to sort by calc columns in SQL query;
* ADD: Allow to delete related meta data when deleting meta field;
* UPD: Compatibility of Media and Gallery meta field types with SEO plugins;
* UPD: Allow to ddd more than 1 header in the REST API Endpoints;
* UPD: Add 'custom' to size units for the column gap in the Listing Grid widget for Elementor;
* FIX: Can't display relation meta data in Bricks Loop;
* FIX: 404 error when the page has the same slug as the account page;
* FIX: Profile Builder redirection doesn't work on main account page for users with restricted access;
* FIX: Dynamic Field is breaking in Bricks, when there is nested query loop;
* FIX: Register CCT Dynamic tags for ajax request.
* ADD: an ability to change a cct_created date in CCT Admin UI;
* ADD: Masonry Layout for Images gallery grid callback;
* FIX: Relations + Polylang compatibility;
* FIX: Warnings in CCT Repeater listing;
* FIX: Clickable listing template + Add to Cart source;
* FIX: JS process filters on re-init;
* FIX: Current WP Query. 'Posts per page' settings do not work;
* FIX: Add custom value / save custom indexer problems;
* FIX: Bricks. Fatal error in the listing (CPT/User/Term) when use bricks dynamic tag;
* FIX: Bricks. Show media field type.
* UPD: Elementor Views: Allow manually set field name in Current Object Field dynamic tag;
* FIX: Relations: Relation meta data do not displays on the Map Listing;
* FIX: Timber/Twig views: Installation of Crocoblock plugin with Timber library;
* FIX: CCT: Checkbox field with Query Builder source do not work;
* FIX: Query Builder: Object ID field in Repeater Query with source Custom Content Type Field not working;
* FIX: Meta Fields: When adding a new image to a gallery meta field on the back end nothing happens;
* FIX: Errors if Bricks Views are disabled;
* FIX: CPT: Admin Сolumn break up after quick edit;
* FIX: CPT: Admin Filter by Radio Fields do not work;
* FIX: Prevent PHP Warnings in Elementor Editor;
* FIX: Query Builder: Current WP query do not work with the sorting filter.
* ADD: Query Builder: Allow to show query results in the Rest API;
* ADD: Data Stores: User IP store type;
* ADD: Iconpicker meta field type: allow to select icons library;
* ADD: Query Builder: Allow to filter queries on the Query Builder admin page;
* ADD: Map Listings: Allow to preload coordinates for string address for any custom fields, not just JetEngine;
* ADD: Advanced Date meta field type: Allow to select time;
* ADD: Advanced Date meta filed type: Allow to set list of dates manually, not just by recurrence rules;
* ADD: Bricks: Add CCT tokens to Bricks dynamic tokens UI;
* ADD: Profile Builder: Allow to use Bricks templates as profile pages sources;
* ADD: Profile Builder: Allow to create profile page template directly from Profile Builder settings page;
* FIX: Bricks: Correctly process multiple query loops on the page when using JetEngine Query Builder queries;
* FIX: Bricks: Correctly set current object for query loop.
* UPD: Maps Listings: Compatibility with Borlabs Cookie v3;
* UPD: Query Builder: Better UX for Dynamic Args popup;
* FIX: Query Builder: Ensure we correctly set array-only query arguments on filtering;
* FIX: SmartFilters Compatibility: Date Period filter & Date query;
* FIX: Dynamic Link: Add to Cart and Permalink WooCommerce sources not taking context;
* FIX: Bricks: Can't show the image as the background of the listing;
* FIX: Bricks: Profile sub page styles loading;
* FIX: Dynamic Visibility: Handle decimal values;
* FIX: Data Stores: Adds to store more than 1 time, if click too fast;
* FIX: JetEngine Forms (Legacy): Clean form action URL before print;
* FIX: Meta Fields: Clearing meta fields in WC Product Data Panel;
* FIX: CCT: Correctly process permissions for Delete Rest API endpoint;
* FIX: Maps Listings: Prevent error in Map field with enabled Show in Rest API.
ADD: Cluster Max Zoom and Cluster Radius settings for Map Listing;
ADD: An ability to show dynamic popup for repeater query in Calendar;
FIX: Only products in paid order display for purchised products macros;
FIX: Positioning added Options pages in the admin menu;
FIX: Removal of related items doesn't synch in different languages;
FIX: Option page for CCT gives 404 error;
FIX: Empty columns dropdown in SQL query;
FIX: 504 error in some cases;
FIX: Issue with OpenStreetMap coordinates in Map meta field;
FIX: Repeater items duplicates in Dynamic Calendar;
FIX: Problem with Bricks condition in Dynamic Calendar;
FIX: Display Dynamic Field content in the Bricks template;
FIX: Reset radius in Location and Distance filter when address is reset.
* FIX: Prevent error if Elementor is not installed;
* FIX: Query result count for Dynamic Visibility in gutenberg does not work;
* FIX: Prevent deprecated notic on PHP 8+;
* FIX: Sorting filters not working with CCT Dynamic Table/CCT listing custom query;
* FIX: Filters with Maps listing and CCT Query;
* FIX: PHP error when using a Query Results Macro in Blocks editor;
* FIX: Error when use Location&Distance in some cases;
* FIX: Brick Builder: Query loop conflict;
* FIX: Related items table UI;
* FIX: Bricks: setting background color dynamically from the colorpicker meta field does not work;
* FIX: Advanced date field is not displayed properly on large number of iterations;
* FIX: Can't update CCT posts meta field via REST API if is multiple is enabled.