
ImagePress 8.3.1

No permission to download
Author anne
Creation date
* FIX: Show like count when not logged in
* FEATURE: Add image pinning module
* FEATURE: Add keyword taxonomy
* FEATURE: Add image lightbox for the single image template
* FEATURE: Add search by colour
* FEATURE: Add automatic background updates
* UPDATE: Tweak image card UI
* PERFORMANCE: Remove RoarJS styles
* FIX: Check if the "author" parameter is numeric before using it
* FEATURE: Add image removal option
* UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Remove unused code
* FIX: Only allow images to be uploaded in the secondary uploader
* FIX: Update code (WPCS)
* FIX: Remove CodeFactor integration
* FIX: Add fallback Like/Unlike labels
* FIX: Remove duplicated comments template from the single image example template
* FIX: Remove white border from the avatar on the single image template
* FIX: Rename several actions to avoid confusion
* FEATURE: Switch the profile form to a custom form, instead of hooking into the user profile editor
* FEATURE: Improve profile front-end and editor user interface
* UPDATE: Add the Terms & Conditions agreement checkbox inside a label element
* UPDATE: Improve post view count restricting its context to single images only
* UPDATE: Move Like/Unlike labels to native WordPress options
* UPDATE: Change user profile image order to date-based, instead of custom (menu order)
* TODO: Refactor collections (CPT?)
* TODO: Replace URL fields with page dropdowns
* FIX: Fixed single image title style
* FIX: Removed conflicting Thin UI styles from the plugin's stylesheet
* FEATURE: Added native function to get downloadable attachment ID
* UPDATE: Updated Thin UI library to latest version (2.1.1)
* UPDATE: Updated Thin UI elements to latest version
* FEATURE: Added a new image size option to the single image template
* FEATURE: Added downloadable image option (alpha)
* FEATURE: Added tutorial on how to add a filter for a downloadable image
* FIX: Fixed issue with visible Awards title for non-admins
* FIX: Fixed mobile view for the single image template
* FIX: Fixed login URL for the login shortcode
* SECURITY: Added better security for non-admin users (prevent access to Dashboard)
* UI: Removed button styling from Follow/Unfollow links
* UI: Refactored user profile tabs
* UI: Improved single image template
* UPDATE: Implemented Thin UI for image grids
* UPDATE: Implemented grid width (default, wide or fullwidth)
* UPDATE: Added missing grid class to the collections shortcode
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* FIX: Added missing dependencies and ImagePress version to admin enqueued scripts and styles
* FIX: Removed unused script
* FEATURE: Added name and email for guest submissions
* FEATURE: Added default upload category option
* FEATURE: Added custom updater
* FEATURE: Added image category parameter to the [imagepress] shortcode
* UPDATE: Moved author-related functions to its own file
* UPDATE: Tweaked the GB Ad element
* UPDATE: Updated code (WPCS)