If-So Dynamic Content Pro

If-So Dynamic Content Pro Nulled

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* Licensing system improvements
* Bugs fix
* New DKI Shortcode: Automatically Creates Link Templates Based on the Page URLs. Commonly used to create a link to a parallel page on a different website.[ifsoDKI type='url' url='{{SCHEME}}://{{HOST}}{{PATH}}?{{QUERY}}']
* Security fix (XSS vulnerability)
no change log for this version
* Bug fixes (conditional gutenberg blocks)
* Added GA4 reporting option, which can be activated per-shortcode by adding a ga4="yes" attribute to the trigger's shortcode.
* Allowed names to be added to If-So trigger versions, which are also included in the GA4 events being sent (if enabled) as event parameters.
* Reworked the Gutenberg standalone condition widget for improved reliability and performance.
* Added a new public JS event - "ifsoajaxcontentloaded" - to help synchronize all the actions attached to various ajax content loading procedures.
* Allowed triggers rendered by "recurrence" and "testing mode" to work with analytics, groups, and other hooks.
* Allowed setting the_content filter on a trigger rendered via ajax (previously only without ajax) by setting the "the_content" attribute in the shortcode.
* UI improvements.
* Bug fixes.
* New functionality - Redirect shortcode improvements: Create a URL template to easily redirect each page on your site to a corresponding page on another domain, subdomain, TLD, or directory. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/redirect-users-based-on-conditions/" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.
* New functionality - Conversion can now be set to fire once every X seconds via the "do_once_per" shortcode attribute. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/analytics/" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.
* PHP 8.2 compatibility - Prevent the use of deprecated functionality.
* "Find a Trigger" tool functionality improvements.
* Elementor compatibility improvements - Treat Elementor "preview" pages like edit pages.
* Reworked the built-in analytics conversion system.
* Reworked the trigger hook/filter mechanism.
* Redirect shortcode - Escape URL before placing it on the page; changed "once_per" attribute to "do_onceper".
* ifsoDKI shortcode in "ajax" mode now works inside various pop-ups (If-So trigger events, Elementor, and others).
* Conditional Gutenberg Blocks functionality - Fixed dependency bug occurring in the newest version of WordPress.
* If-So triggers' shortcodes inside If-So bulks content now use the appropriate context when loaded via Ajax and vice versa.
* Gravity Forms compatibility fixes.
* Various bug fixes.
* WordPress 6.4 compatibility fixes
* Add support to use the <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/if-so-geolocation/" target="_blank">HTML5 Geolocation API (browser location) option</a>, provided by the free Geolocation Extension. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/the-html-geol...ium=Readme&utm_campaign=v2&utm_term=html5_api" target="_blank">Learn more</a>
* [ifso-add-cookie] Shortcode: Added 'increment' attribute. Setting it to 'yes' will make the cookie value a number that increments each time the shortcode is encountered. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/the-cookie-condition/" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.
* Cookie Condition: Added "Numeric is more than" / "Numeric is less than" options.
* Redirect Shortcode: Added the ability to redirect once per a specified period of time. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/redirect-users-based-on-conditions/" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.
* "Find Shortcode" / Scan Posts Tool: Functionality improvements, including the ability to scan for relevant if-so conversions.
* Audiences and Geolocation Dashboard Pages: Enhancements.
* Bug Fixes.